FB-14154: added formatting to bulk csv exports (Backwards Compatibility Enhanced in --> September 4, 2014)
FB-15101: Fixed calculated fields filters for DateTime columns
FB-15184: Improved auto-join algorithm when LEFT joins are used
FB-15222: Fixed all gauges crash caused by malformed highlight value
FB-15193: Added possibility to specify log4net config file
FB-14683: Fixed gauges hover autodrilldown report
FB-15007: Fixed SP Parameters filters in Dashboards
FB-14131: Fixed conversion of week day number to week day name for case of mysql DB
FB-15240: Async Thumbnails generation upon report save implemented
FB-14832: ExportEncoding setting added
FB-14527: Properly populate values for the Equals(Select) filters for SP fields
FB-14842: Do not treat ReportSet as Analysis Grid report unless Detail Report has VG specified
FB-14232: 3D option for html pie chart hidden
FB-15037: Added restriction to chart scale value.
FB-13726: Fixed issues with SP with fusion driver (August 12, 2014)
FB-15034: Fixed drill-down style auto selection in the Advanced field properties
FB-14792: Fixed bar chart sort with separator
FB-14723: Fixed Inverted grid export to CSV
FB-13360: Color highlighting and Value ranges applying to DateTime fields
FB-15152: Fixed CHart to Picture rendering issue with scroll-bar
FB-14131: Fixed day of week number, and daysOld function
FB-14355: Lazy SP metadata pulling
FB-15069: Fixed footer position processing in html2pdf generator
FB-15082: Made it possible to override default sql and oracle dataextractors behavior
FB-15106: Made scale working together with separator for pie charts
FB-15103: Fixed combine bottom feature for highchart pie chart
FB-15070: Fixed popup recursion for gauges
FB-15080: Fixed missing gauge needles in subreport
FB-15120: Fixed HTML Pie Chart with Separator
FB-14996: Do not use simple SP execution mode is Records count is specified
FB-15004: Fixed erroneous chart container height
FB-14487: Fixed Date columns Equals(Field) filter operator
FB-15035: Disable redundant aggregate functions for Boolean data type
FB-14781: Fixed auto-grouping from Expression in Oracle
FB-15004: Fixed piechart legend overlapping
FB-14951: userid info added to Message in log.
FB-14227: Fully localized DatePicker
FB-14315: Fix js errors for PieChart.
FB-14488: Optimize Report Viewer tab for narrow screens
FB-15028: Made reportset renderer to respect changes of reportset.Style in PERS (July 30, 2014)
FB-14902: Fixed XSS security vulnerability in Designer
FB-14315: Fix pie chart "Combine Bottom" for charts with separator.
FB-14973: Fixed JS error on reportDesigner page. (July 28, 2014)
FB-13872: Improving CASE statements usage to use it without brackets
FB-14906: Made click on legend affecting all stacked pie charts
FB-14669: Filter SQL load report request by current TenantID
FB-14948: Fixed erroneous adding field from expression to grouping
FB-14949: Fixed filters without values in the Viewer
FB-14791: Extended palette of barchart colors.
FB-13936: Added HTML Report Part control
FB-14622: Made different users having separate files for databaseSchema cache on HDD if PerUserCaching is true
FB-14908: Fixed broken stored procedure metadata save to izenda.config
FB-14756: Fixed grouping by week
FB-14805: Update report in reports list cache on save.
FB-13119: Fixed Pagination in Oracle when Sort is used (July 15, 2014)
FB-14548: Unified internal references to jquery as alias jq
FB-14813: Minor fixes in Designer UI CSS classes added to some controls in the Designer for easier customization
FB-13982: Implemented ability to utilize multiple or alternate DrillDown keys for sub-reports.
FB-14224: Columns Width property added to the Report
FB-14309: Fixed Y-Axis rounding for bar and trend chart. There was wrong values when selected value format "0,000".
FB-13449: Fixed incorrect CSV export reports with several embedded sub-reports
FB-14674: Improved reliability of bulkCsv export
FB-14546: Fixed issues with table borders in XLS and DOC exports
FB-14725: Enable CSV export for Dashboards (July 7, 2014)
FB-14428: Made stacked pie chart really stacked
FB-14712: Fixed Legend and Stacked Chart properties auto-selection
FB-14131: Fixed number of first week in year in mysql DB
FB-14711: Fixed issues with drill-down reports in HTML Bar Chart caused by FB-14265
FB-14427: Fixed labels positioning in highchart piecharts with separator
FB-14396: Fixed not showing highcharts in pdf export due to missing scripts
FB-14392: Fixed wide charts cutoff in export to word/excel
FB-14053: FieldCollection getter by column name implemented
FB-14710: Providing backward compatibility in behavior of ConnectionOpened
FB-14710: Turned back lost virtual method
FB-14429: Made charts 100% wide in pdf export
FB-14623: Improved automatically page breaks in PDF print when Multi Level VG style is used
FB-14561: Added possibility for easy pagination controls customization
FB-14603: Fixed calculated fields filters if LEFT JOIN is used
FB-13988: Fixed Gauges drill-down reports
FB-14308: Fixed Stored Procedures with a schema name part adding
FB-13916: Added VisibleDataSources multiple schemes support for Oracle connections (June 26, 2014)
FB-14141: Fixed 'Year and Quarter' function in MySQL Driver
FB-14628: Show charts indexes in the "Report order" section
FB-14403: Fixed conflicts between several changes in the Expression behavior
FB-14467: Boolean operators support added to the Expression feature (June 23, 2014)
FB-14182: Added possibility to use XML format in scheduler
FB-14430: Fixed dashboard crash when report is modified before save
FB-14520: Fixed DIV/0 formatting when OData connection is used
FB-13768: Fixed Filters and Fields adding in IE8
FB-14486: Fixed report crash when tenantField is specified without any tenants
FB-14294: Allow to remove all fields from the report in the Viewer
FB-14296: Fixed filters on the Dashboards page
FB-14328: Fixed erroneous removal field from "to be grouped" collection if it has itself in expression, and aggregate function is selected
FB-13937: API INFO logging implementation
FB-14361: Fixed Line HTML Chart export (Trend chart and Pareto Bar chart)
FB-14336: Fixed missing SqlOverride value in filters when ExistentValuesList for operators like Equals(Select) is generated with taking into account previous filters
FB-13449: Improve embedded sub-reports and column grouping/pivots support in the CSV output
FB-13739: Added information about records amount in dataset which is returned by GetDataSet, to log at INFO level
FB-14377: Do not crop data labels on the HTML Trend chart
FB-14217: Fixed filters on calculated columns in the Viewer
FB-14257: Replace spaces with underscores in the XML output
FB-14366: Export only Detail and Summary parts to CSV instead of throwing exception if other parts contains in the ReportSet
FB-14370: Added a setting to configure hard-drive cache location
FB-14337: Fixed count of the Share With drop-downs in Report and Dashboard Designers
FB-14265: Made text truncated and last few letters fade to white if label is too long and text orientation is vertical
FB-14321: Fixed issue with license key when StaticSharedStorage is used
FB-14145: Do not attach ColumnGroup to the Field Description in the Report Viewer (June 4, 2014)
FB-13960: Fixed issue with displaying base64-encoded images
FB-14116: Fixed enable/disable subtotal logic in the Viewer
FB-14089: Allow to use arithmetic "-" operator with Date data type fields
FB-14285: Do not use Viewer browser dimensions in the Preview render
FB-14112: Fixed "Field-Value column pairs" feature behavior in Dashboards
FB-14221: Allow to use special characters(backslash, single/double quote, etc.) in the Chart a titles
FB-14101: Fixed images rendering in PDF output if the client browser is IE8
FB-14237: Fixed issue with adding new filters after removing some filters in the Viewer
FB-14170: Hide/Show Advanced properties of the Charts when it's needed
FB-13811: Implemented value ranges feature for chart separator (May 30, 2014)
FB-14250: Fixed CROSS join
FB-14236: Fixed cascade filters update when filter values are changing rapidly.
FB-14215: Fixed error after filter removal when filter logic is used.
FB-13986: Fix color setting (#RRGGBB) for gauges.
FB-14148: Fixed numerous issues with HTML Charts exporting and Viewing.
FB-14108: Do not include HTML tags in CSV export.
FB-13539: Implemented Auto 'Group' support for all other aggregate functions also.
FB-14121: Preview container now appear only on Preview tab in report designer
FB-14118: Fixed CSV export failure when data contains double quotes
FB-13766: Enable datepicker for non-English cultures
FB-13765: Fix rounding in the Animated Half Circle Gauges.
FB-14144: Prevented erroneous grouping by fields from expression if no aggregation is involved in report.
FB-13600: Made fields with expression not affect grouping.
FB-14121: Enable caching of visualization files
FB-14140: Fix Chart appearance on 'hover' when master report is not saved.
FB-13539: Made fields from expressions automatically added to group by clause if needed.
FB-14046: Properly apply Drill-Down filter if both master report and sub report have Between filter on the same field as a Drill-Down Key.
FB-13557: Made bulk csv output generator to stream date from DB to client
FB-13889: Switched CacheReports default value to true
FB-13762: Fix formatting when VG, Pagination and Subtotals are used at the same time.
FB-14113: Do not show 'null' for empty regions on the Map if hover sub-report is used.
FB-14108: Do not include HTML tags in CSV export.
FB-13978: Loggers conflict fixed
FB-13889: Optimized reports table existence checks.
FB-13372: Disable "Show Legend" check-box if Separator is not selected.
FB-13971: Respect "Records" value when calculating subtotals.
FB-13762: Fix formatting when pagination is used with VG.
FB-14062: Fix Tennessee short name on the USA map.
FB-13940: Do not copy embedded resources in the Scheduler output.
FB-13834: Allow to use multiple-value filters for storage procedure fields
FB-14037: Prevent throwing exception when same name is found several times in the AdHocSettings.VisibleDataSources collection.
FB-13954: Fix issue with reports storage in the DB after invalidating reports cache.
FB-13941: Fixed erroneous brackets removal from field description when they are specified in field alias.
FB-13713: Made fields/filters against HiddenColumns invisible in reportViewer.
FB-13946: Fix filters inheritance in sub-reports when filters on calculated columns are used.
FB-13967: Removed unused button for toolbar
FB-13950: Made all connections/dataReaders always reliably disposed, made every dataReader use separate connection object, fixed throwing exceptions in ReportClearTemplateName
FB-13950: Ensured that all connections which are opened in DLL are always reliably closed after usage
FB-13950: Ensured that each reader uses individual connection object, and that that connection is closed after reader is closed .
FB-13950: Removed unnecessary connection closings
FB-13950: Ensuring that every datareader closes connection when it finishes work
FB-13950: Enclosed all datareaders in using()
FB-13967: Removed unused button for toolbar
FB-13950: Fix of System.Exception: ReportName property unknown. and System.Exception: ReportCategory property unknown. errors
FB-13857: Fixed high charts with '%' value format
FB-13947: Implement drill-down reports in HTML Bar Charts.
FB-13687: Changed log4net configuration file to log4net.xml
FB-13706: Fix drill-down subreports when special characters are used as a drill-down key values
FB-13679: Added the ability to process HTTP POST Requests in OData Fusion Connection.
FB-13683: Implemented percent symbol escaping in filter value when LIKE is applied to filter value in sql query
FB-13547: Behavior fix - made ItemsPerPage to be ignored if UsePagination is disabled
FB-13661: Fixed bug in datasources joining when switching in reportDesigner from simple to advanced mode
FB-13639: AdHocSettings.EmptyReportString setting added, this setting can be used to configure the message shown when reports return an empty result
FB-13674: Fixing HintPath for log4net dll in AdHoc2012.csproj
FB-13687: Logging @ERROR level for Data Access Layer
FB-13665: Made FusionCache taking into account .SqlOverride members of Filter/Field during cache key calculation
FB-13587: log4net infrastructure, and data access layer@ERROR level logging implemented
FB-13646: Implemented drill-down subreports in Detail report when rendered in ReportPart
FB-13634: Prevent showing all Filters (even with Parameter = false) in the Report Viewer when any filter is removed
FB-13449: Implemented limited support of embedded subreports in csv output generator (April 14, 2014)
FB-13579: Disable toolbar if no datasources are selected
FB-13592: Improved combine bottom mechanism for Pie chart
FB-13345: Fix issues with custom category separator - AdHocSettings.CategoryCharacter
FB-13590: Allow to use Formats in Charts for Date and DateTime fields + allow to use custom formats
FB-13582: Fixed glitch in code which spontaneously could cause exception inside cycle, and as a hence early exit from cycle, which led to missing custom DashboardFilters control in Dashboards page, though all conditions are met.
FB-13535: Fixed error which was caused by application of aggregate function in Gauge to Label column independently on presence/absence of aggregate function in Value column in case when calculated field from Fields report is selected in Value column
FB-13450: Show Print buttons in Dashboard designer
FB-13382: Made calculated field description appearing in bar chart legends
FB-13305: Fixed map-related part of reportSet validation to restore correct Preview availability behavior
FB-13546: Solve issues with Title and Description in the CSV output
FB-13556: Allow editing Label Justification in the newly created report
FB-13413: Limited stored procedures returned by FusionDriver by only those which are enlisted in VisibleDatasources, in the same way like it works now in usual drivers
FB-13517: Show All available filter operators if type of the column is unknown.
FB-13561: Copy all Filter properties (Like Operator, OrIsBlank, etc.) from the master-report to the sub-report in Forms
FB-13329: Improved custom color setting for highcharts
FB-13486: Added data source categories sort for instant report page.
FB-13515: Fixed problems with changing between Calendar to other date filter types in reportViewer
FB-13532: Hide Datepicker dialog when filtering on refresh so there are no conflicts between the old and new dialog
FB-13386: Fixed browser slowdowns by fixing in JS code calendar z-order at the moment of its appearing, instead of repeating calls of function which did the same
FB-13291: Fixed report title and description not showing when part param exists
FB-13504: Fix wrong colors for stacked bar chart
FB-13483: Removed obsolete attribute from ShowSqlOutputButton setings
FB-12823: Add ability to control Filter dropdown content on a per-column basis
FB-13329: Add ability to set custom colors for all html chart types
FB-13439: Keep scroll position in the Equals(Checkboxes) filter when filters are refreshed. Do not send ajax redundant calls for the last or single filter in the Report Viewer
FB-13507: ListReports cache implementation
Revert "FB-13269: Prevented showing report data without required filters values specified by user" (April 7, 2014)
FB-13494: Fix jQuery conflicts in the classic Asp.Net interface
FB-13490: Show "[FieldName] not found" text instead of exception when invalid field is used in the report Title, Description or Footer
FB-13459: Fix Map image file URL in HTTPS deployments
FB-13482: Made modern reportList respect setting AllowDeletingReports
FB-13003: Changes made in PerformCustomReportRendering were missed in html cache. Fixed by correcting order of PerformCustomReportRendering and caching calls
FB-13444: Enable Autocomplete filter in the HTML Report Viewer
FB-13408: Apply format of the same field from the Fields to the appropriate date value in filter description.
FB-13269: Prevented showing report data without required filters values specified by user
FB-13277: Fix filters refreshing on the Dashboards page in IE11
FB-13232: Fix Issue with Parameters on the Dashboards page by adding support for POST requests
FB-13223: Made modern reportViewer respect LockViewer setting
FB-13435: Fix typo in the ReportList without thumbnails. Change title of the "X" icon from "Edit" to "Remove"
FB-13432: Fix issues with Summary report when pagination is used
FB-13411: Fixed brackets escaping in Fields expressions
FB-13430: Fixed printing reports with highcharts to HTML by switching highcharts rendering to images when printing report to html
FB-13268: Implementation of adding new filter in modern reportViewer.
FB-13382: Fix calculated columns (when Arithmetic is used) in Charts.
FB-13410: Fix artifacts in the Dashboard PDF output is if report with a large number of rows is presented in the Dashboard
FB-13309: Apply AdHocSettings.FieldAliases to all controls on the Report Viewer page.
FB-13404: Fix CSV export if Value Ranges is used and Add Subtotals is checked
FB-13309: Apply AdHocSettings.FieldAliases to all controls on the Report Viewer page
FB-13381: Fix javascript errors when Equals(Popup) or Equals(Checkboxes) filter is used
FB-13273: Implementation of FormRenderer compatibility with visualizations like highcharts which render html/js into report body
FB-10401: Resolved issue where when using multiple datasources all the fields are not immediately available
FB-13277: Improve toolbar UI on the Dashboards page for narrow screens
FB-13368: Fix Funnel HTML chart when data in the Label column contain single quotes
FB-13255: Added function filtering for column dropdowns in the maps tab
FB-11581: Updated AddForcedLeftJoin method to be capable of usage with custom DB schema. This will allow this feature to work correctly with tables that are not in the "dbo" schema
FB-13329: Added customization variable for htmlchart barchart colors
FB-13119: Fixed pagination problems with Oracle
FB-13240: Added meta tags to force WebBrowser to work in proper (IE9/10/11) mode to resolve issues with chart rendering
FB-12908: Fix issues with loading Form if ReportSet.OwnerTenantID and AdHocSettings.CurrentUserTenantId do not match
FB-13290: Manually create HttpContext if it is not initialized and activate StaticSharedStorage in this case. As a result many Izenda functions can be used in the "offline" mode
FB-13305: Fix drill-down on the World Map for the USA and UK countries (Mar 25, 2014)
FB-13006: Use a filestream to write thumbnail data to improve error reporting when permissions are not set correctly
FB-13282: Apply AdHocSettings.TenantField filter to the request for the Equals(Select) filter.
FB-13166: Added support of the MSSQL CASE-WHEN-ELSE-END clause in the Expressions.
FB-13240: Add trim() function to javascript output used by highcharts
FB-13267: Fix Equals(Checkboxes) and Equals(Multiple) filters behavior in the Report Viewer. It was impossible to check/select value if it is a single digit or single char
FB-13223: Prevented PIVOT tabs from showing in ReportViewer if reportSet is Locked
FB-13193: Fix filter logic when hidden filters are used
FB-13139: Add basic cache usage statistics for static memory mode
FB-13017: Significantly increase performance in paginated reports with many rows of data (10k+)
FB-13243: Fix Inverted Grid CSS so it stays up-to-date when modified in the Designer and refreshed in the Viewer
FB-13240: Provide separate rendering path for exporting when using HtmlCharts charting engine
FB-13237: Fixed rendering of gauges in thumbnails to include the needle
FB-13028: Use POST parameters when loading ReportParts
FB-13119: Fix Text Highlight and Cell Highlight in the paginated report (Mar 17, 2014)
FB-12970: Removed unnecessary ActivateNewDashboardViewerControls() calls from reportViewer
FB-13193: Fixed problems with previewing reports after modifying Filter Logic
FB-13106: Resolved issue where tabs were greyed out on the report designer page when VisibleDataSources have been changed (Mar 16, 2014)
FB-13177: Changed "Reset to default" button on Style tab in reportDesigner to standard button control which is used across all designers
FB-13113: Fixed empty jquery formatNumber result for 0 value
FB-13025: Resolved issue where HighCharts auto-sizing and auto-centering didn't work because chart as an inner element couldn't detect dimensions of outer container. Implemented support for specifying dimensions in pixels in chart property, so highcharts can rely on those values.
FB-13181: Fixed inverted Summary grid styling. This makes styles for headers items and alts the same as the normal grid.
FB-13189: Waiting timeout removed if renderer detects an error at the the beginning of rendering process
FB-13113: Removed "default" series name in HtmlCharts if only one series has been selected
FB-13180: Updated copyright in response server
FB-13164: URL encode fields when updating field properties in report viewer
FB-13160: Marked FilteredReportListCache as serializable
FB-11598: Added fusion support for Postgres
FB-12943: Add support to stored procedures for sql_variant data type as a parameter
FB-11720: Fixed glitch in htmlcharts, which could result in generation of malformed JSON data
FB-12970: Removed Templates (Forms), and custom entities from session in staticmemory mode. Basic report designing/viewing no longer stores anything in session
FB-12970: Added support for logging session contents
FB-13132: Changed formatting of dates (from filters values) in reportset description to respect AdHocSettings.Culture
FB-13115: Resolved issue where thumbnails would remain in the "Generating" state
FB-11684: Added disk/reports cache cleanup functionality to Driver.InvalidateSchemaCache()
FB-13114: Resolved regression in AdHocSettings.ReloadStrings()
FB-13081: Resolved redirect loop when AdHocUserKey is specified
FB-13116: Fixed Equals(Popup) filter when one of the values is empty string. Empty string can now be selected as any other not empty value.
FB-13103: Fixed "(blank)" value in the filters. "(blank)" value is now interpreted as NULL when selected for example in the Equals(Popup) or Equals(Checkboxes) filter. (Mar 9, 2014)
FB-13036: URL Encode '&' when processed in a drill-down value
FB-13035: Fixed erroneous adding of excess parameter to SqlCommand when drilldown filter with equals operator presents in reportSet
FB-13034: Fixed spontaneous loss of database connections
FB-13026: Added currentUserName verification routine to CheckLimitations routine, to make pure html pages respect RequireLogin setting.
FB-13012: Fixed unsafe operation on possible null string, which caused error in case of rendering gauges
FB-12969: Optimized static memory mode to minimize whole memory usage by minimizing objects kept in session and resolved bugs related to CurrentReportSet in static memory mode
FB-13042: Fix drill-downs with Dates and different grouping types. For example, correct value will be passes to the subreport if drill-down key is a Date field with Group(Year & MN) Function.
FB-11707: Added LinkedColumns property for Filter and Filter ICloneable interface implementation.
FB-12979: Default DataCacheInterval to 0 so the HTML cache is disabled by default
FB-12957: Added additional PostgreSQL type mappings
FB-12836: FusionConnections getter was made public (Feb 27, 2014)
FB-12933: Make Instant Reports respect AdHocSettings.HiddenColumns
FB-11781: Fixed bug causing server resources to not be found in Instant Reports and Report Viewer
FB-12919: Disable default selection of Separator dropdown
FB-12914: Fixed style issue where custom grid styles subtotals did not apply border color
FB-11792: Fixed bug affecting loading of ReportSets that could result in null pointer exceptions
FB-12930: No longer require +HTMLCHARTS in license key to utilize HTML Charts
FB-12901: Removed extraneous warning message from Dashboard Designer
FB-12904: Fixed Between filter when values are numeric that can be parsed as dates
FB-12912: Fixed problem where preview would cache dashboards
FB-11692: Fixed automatic drilldown ReportSet issue "Report loading error: Report (AUTO) is not found" which impacted gauges in pure HTML
FB-12834: Fixed "Response canceled: 500 Internal Server Error" when rendering HTML charts to RTF
FB-12887: Fixed add report part to dashboard modal dialog
FB-11697: Fixed "Page breaks after visual group" setting for pdf printing
FB-11807: Enable output to CSV format for Visual Groups of the following styles: CommaDelimited, CommaDelimitedWithLabels, LineDelimited, LineDelimitedWithLabels
FB-12843: Remove extra empty table after report content. Wrap report content in the extra table so all Reports in the ReportSet will have different and independent widths.
FB-11792: Added support for arbitrary ordering of columns when executing report against a stored proc without "insert into exec"
FB-11517: ReportSet.Owner property is changed according to the AdHocSettings.CurrentUserName when report saved using "Save As" (Feb 22, 2014)
FB-11687: Resolved issue with MVC4R2 Instant Reports where the field properties gear was not clickable
FB-11691: Resolved issue where drop-down lists of equals multiple filters would jump to the top of the list when selecting values
FB-11619: Added separator support for HTMLCHARTS pie chart
FB-11621: Fixed chart parameters initialization and extended chart margins to full width
FB-11621: Format htmlchart numbers from "0000" to "0,000"
HTMLCHARTS: Fixed tooltip formatting on funnel charts
HTMLCHARTS: Resolved issue where axis label was cut in half on line charts
HTMLCHARTS: Fixed problem where pie chart 'CombineBottom%' would rename the smallest slice to 'Other' when it had not been combined with another slice
HTMLCHARTS: Increased right and left margin for line, bar and area chart
HTMLCHARTS: Changed top offset of gauges
HTMLCHARTS: Resolved bug where the description of an applied filter was listed multiple times
FB-11678: Fixed intermittent "Unable to connect to the remote server" scheduler error
FB-11808: Changed styles of VisualGroups to make them bolder
FB-11610: Added support for CustomizeChart to htmlCharts
FB-11781: Fixed a problem where string filter values were misidentified as dates
FB-11703: Fixed a bug which prevented switching the PDF outputGenerator to ITextSharp
FB-11566: Fixed iframe ReportPart where an object reference was not being set to an instance of an object
FB-11700: Update the user property when reports are saved
FB-11710: Changed export to respect the formatting of datetime
FB-11684: Changed rs.aspx?clear=1 to clear schema, fusion, and reports caches
FB-11682: Resolved concurrency issues when caching reports on load balanced systems
FB-11726: Fixed bug where "TimeClass" was erroneously shown as a filter description