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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/

The AdHocSettings class contains all the settings Izenda uses to control various aspects of the interface and flow of data. Many of the more useful settings are explained in detail in our Guide to Report Design and Developer Guides. ")

Datatype Setting name Setting description Default Value
String AddAllFilterRegex Gets or sets the regular expression used for filtering the fields added by clicking "Add All". If the name of a column matches this expression then it will not be added when "Add All" is clicked. (id|guid)$
Dictionary AdditionalTimeZones Gets or sets the collection of additional time zones.(deprecated) null
AdHocConfig AdHocConfig Gets or sets the current Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.AdHocConfig - Ad Hoc configuration. null
String AdHocUserKey Gets or sets a single password limiting access to all reporting pages. String.Empty
Boolean AdjustSeparatorsInEqualsListValues Enables or Disables the adaptive modification of separators when using the Equals(List) filter. Default True behavior is the traditional behavior of this filter. True
AggregateFunctionCollection AggregateFunctions Gets or sets the list of aggregation functions to use in the "Function" dropdown lists on the Fields, Summary, Chart, and Gauge Tabs of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. {None, AVG, COUNT,
Boolean AllowAnalysisGrid Determines whether the "Analysis Grid" visual grouping option is available on the Style Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean AllowArchivedReportTableCreation Gets or sets whether an "Archive" table can be created on the database used to store reports. This only applies when DatabaseAdHocConfig mode is used. True
Boolean AllowAutomaticSubreport Gets or sets whether (Automatic) subreport option is available. True
Boolean AllowClientSorting Gets or sets whether report viewers can apply sorting to rendered report grids by clicking the headers. True
Boolean AllowComparativeArithmetic Gets or sets whether comparative arithmetic operations are allowed in the arithmetic checkbox. Some datatypes may be limited in the comparative arithmetic operations that are allowed. False
Boolean AllowCreateNewCategory Gets or sets whether the "Save As" dialog on the ReportDesigner and ReportViewer will display the "Category" text field to enter a new category upon saving reports. True
Boolean AllowDataFieldsInDescription Gets or sets whether any column names (enclosed in square brackets) in the "Header", "Title", "Description", or "Footer" of the report should be replaced with the first value of the results for that column. True
Boolean AllowDeletingReports Gets or sets whether deleting reports is allowed. True
Boolean AllowDeltas Gets or sets whether the "Add Deltas" checkbox should be shown on the fields tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean AllowDomainJoin Gets or sets whether the "domain" join option should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. This allows you to join datasources that contain web addresses. False
Boolean AllowEqualsSelectForStoredProcedures Gets or sets whether the Equals(Select), Equals(Multiple), Equals(Checkboxes), Equals(Popup), and Equals(Tree) options are available for filters when working with stored procedure datasources. False
Boolean AllowFieldsAsValue Gets or sets whether field names are allowed to be used as filter values. True
Boolean AllowGroupWithoutSelect Gets or sets whether it is possible to hide fields that are used for Visual Grouping.(deprecated) False
Boolean AllowHorizontalBarChart Gets or sets whether the "Horizontal" option will be allowed for bar charts on the Charts tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean AllowHtmlOutputsInScheduledReports Get or sets whether HTML is an allowed export format for emailing scheduled reports.(deprecated) True
Boolean AllowInvalidCharacters Gets or sets whether invalid characters in report names should be allowed. This only has an effect if Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.StripInvalidCharacters is false. False
Boolean AllowInvertedGrid Gets or sets whether the "Invert" checkbox should be shown on the summary tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean AllowLineOnBar Gets or sets whether the "Line Value" options are displayed on the Chart tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner when a bar chart is selected. Setting this to false will still allow the "Show Pareto" checkbox to be checked, but the line's value will not be able to be controlled. The line's value defaults to the percentage of the sum of the "Value" metric that occurred at each data point. True
Boolean AllowMultilineHeaders Gets or sets whether report grid headers can be multiline. False
Boolean AllowNativeSqlViaOData Gets or set possibility to exec native sql queries through odata. False
Boolean AllowNewFiltersInReportViewer Gets or sets whether users can add new filters in the report viewer. True
Boolean AllowOverwritingReports Gets or sets whether reports may be overwritten when saving them. If this is false, then a new name is required when saving any reports. True
Boolean AllowSelfJoin Gets or sets whether joining a table to itself is allowed.(deprecated) True
Boolean AllowStackedBarChart Gets or sets whether the "Stacked" option will be allowed for bar charts on the Charts tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean AllowSummaryDeltas Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "Show Summary Deltas" checkbox should be shown on the summary tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean AllowVirtualDataSources Defines availability of virtual datasources feature False
Boolean AllowVisualGroups Gets or sets whether visual groups are allowed.(deprecated) True
String ApplicationHeaderImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the logo used at the top of every reporting page. String.Empty
Boolean ApplyAntiXssToReportOutput False
Boolean AutoJoinOnRenderedRows Gets or sets whether auto-join function should work for server-rendered rows in Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.JoinedTablesList. (deprecated) True
Boolean AutoOrForRepeatFilters Determines whether OR operator is used to concatenate two subsequent filters that use the same column False
Boolean AutoPostBackOnFilterChange Gets or sets whether changing filters on a report will cause a postback to occur. True
Boolean CacheEqualsSelect Gets or sets whether the value of the "Equals (Select)" filter should be cached. False
Boolean CacheExternalResources True
String CacheFolder Gets or sets the folder that will be used to store cached data on disk. [drive]:\Temp\
Boolean CacheQueries Gets or sets whether all queries sent to the Izenda.AdHoc.Database.Driver should be cached. True
Boolean CacheReports Gets or sets whether all loaded reports should be cached in application memory. False
Boolean CacheResources Gets or sets whether resources like css/js/html/fonts should be cached in application memory. This setting is application-wide. True
Boolean CacheSchema Gets or sets whether the Izenda.AdHoc.Database.Driver.DatabaseSchema should be cached. True
Boolean CacheStoredProcedureMetaDataToDisk False
Boolean CascadeFilterValues Gets or sets whether cascading is enabled for filter values. For example, if two filters are defined for country and city, then selecting a value for "Country" will update the "City" filter with values for that country only. True
Char CategoryCharacter Gets or sets the character used as a delimiter separating the category from the report name. '#', '?', '&', '%' symbols are not supported. This setting is application-wide. \
Boolean ChangParentUrlWhenRedirect Gets or sets whether to use different reporting pages than the ones specified by default when redirecting through AdHoc toolbar buttons and links. False
ChartingEngine ChartingEngine Defines which ChartingEngine will be used (ZedGraph, ComponentArt, Dundas, or HtmlCharts) HtmlChart
Int32 ChartLandscapePrintWidth Gets or sets the width of the images with rasterized charts when exporting to excel/printing to html in landscape orientation 1400
Int32 ChartLimit Gets or sets the limit for the maximum number of labels that can exist on a single chart. 500
Int32 ChartPortraitPrintWidth Gets or sets the width of the images with rasterized charts when exporting to excel/printing to html in portrait orientation 1000
ChartCollection Charts Gets or sets the collection of available Izenda.AdHoc.Charts. {Trend, Bar, Pie,
Point ChartSize Gets or sets the value indicating the maximum length and width of charts.(deprecated) {X=700,Y=300}
String[] ChartSortFields Gets or sets the fields that will be used to sort data when a chart is used. String.Empty
Int32 ChartToImageTimeout Gets or sets the value indicating maximum waiting time for rendering chart to image, in seconds. This setting is application-wide. 60
Int32 CheckBoxListColumns Gets or sets the number of checkbox columns displayed in the "Quick add" dialog of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 2
Boolean CheckForUpdates Gets or sets whether AdHoc will check for updates.(deprecated) False
Boolean CheckUserPermission Get or sets whether the process of checking to ensure proper permissions on viewing reports is skipped or not. True
Boolean ClearManagedMemoryOnRender When true .Net Garbage Collector is called manually during the Report rendering process. Large reports could consume a lot of memory while rendering. Releasing this memory frees it for other processes. False
Boolean CollapsedFiltersInReportViewer Gets or sets whether filters should be initially collapsed on the classic Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ReportViewer. (deprecated) False
String CollationForSorting Gets or sets collation which will be specified for sorting. This can be needed for example, when subtotals are broken because of case insensitive sorting. If null or empty (by default), then izenda will not specify any collation for sorting in queries. String.Empty
Unit ColumnDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of all dropdowns across all tabs of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner page that contain column names. 200px
Boolean CompressStaticResources Gets or sets whether resources should be gzip-compressed. This setting is application-wide. True
Boolean ConvertNullToEmptyString Determines whether NULL string values are processed the same way as empty string values False
CultureInfo Culture Gets or sets the default culture information for Ad Hoc. en-US
Boolean CurrentUserIsAdmin Gets or sets whether the user is an administrator. Administrators have full permissions throughout the application. True
Boolean CurrentUserIsGlobalAdministrator Gets or sets whether the current user has global administrator rights.(deprecated) False
String CurrentUserName Gets or sets the name of the current user. DefaultAdministrator
String[] CurrentUserRoles Gets or sets the list of groups the current user belongs to. Groups can be used to share reports and set visibility among sets of users. System.String[] {}
String CurrentUserTenantId This identifies a single tenant the current user is associated with in a multi-tenant system. String.Empty
String CustomEoPdfLicenseKey Sets custom license key for currently being used eopdf assembly. This setting is application-wide. String.Empty
CustomizeChartDelegate CustomizeChartDelegate Represents a method that runs before chart reports get run. This applies to all charts except visualizations. String.Empty
PdfGeneratorBase CustomPdfExporter Customer custom pdf exporter String.Empty
CustomTimePeriodCollection CustomTimePeriods Defines custom time periods that can be used as values with the 'In Time Period' filter. null
DashboardDateSliderMode DashboardDateSliderMode Gets or sets the value indicating the unit of time between points on the date slider control for dashboards. Auto
String DashboardDesignerUrl Gets or sets the URL of a page used to design dashboards (). DashboardDesigner.aspx
String DashboardDesignerUrlWithDelimiter Gets the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.DashboardDesignerUrl with the <see cref="!:UrlParametrsDelimiter appended DashboardDesigner.aspx?
Int32 DashboardFieldsCount Gets or sets the number of Dashboard Fields sections that are displayed on the Dashboard Fields tab. 3
Double DashboardGaugeMax Gets or sets the gauge max value for the "Dashboard Gauge" format.(deprecated) 1.79769313486232E+308
Double DashboardGaugeMin Gets or sets the guage min value for the "Dashboard Gauge" format.(deprecated) -1.79769313486232E+308
Int32 DashboardGaugeWidth Gets or sets the width of "Dashboard Gauge" objects. 200
Int32 DashboardMinimumWidth Gets or set minimum dashboard width.(deprecated) 1000
Boolean DashboardMode Gets or sets whether dashboard mode is enabled.(deprecated) False
String DashboardsCss Gets or sets the CSS style for the Izenda.Web.UI.TabStrip. (deprecated) @import url(rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=dashboard);
String DashboardsCssUrl Gets or sets the link to the CSS stylesheet used for the Izenda.Web.UI.TabStrip. rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=dashboard
String DashboardTabBackgroundImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the background image used for tabs on the "Dashboards" page.(deprecated) String.Empty
String DashboardViewer Gets or sets the URL of the dashboard viewer page. ReportViewer.aspx
String DashboardViewerWithDelimiter Gets the DashboardViewer page with the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.UrlParametersDelimiter character at the end. ReportViewer.aspx?
String DashboardViewerWithDelimiterFull Gets the dashboard viewer page with "?" or "&" char at the end. http://localhost/ReportViewer.aspx?
String DatabaseDiagramImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the image to use for a database diagram icon. String.Empty
Int32 DataCacheInterval Gets or sets how long in minutes HTML output results and images should persist in the cache. Zero means that the cache is disabled. 0
AliasesCollection DataSourceAliases Gets or sets the collection of key-value pairs where the key is the table name and the value is a table alias. null
NameStringsCollection DataSourceCategories Gets or sets a list of categories and the datasources in those categories that will be used on the checkbox view of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner to sort datasources. null
TimeSpan DataSourceDropDownTimeout Gets or sets the timeout between starting loading dropdown values from server and redicecting to About page.(deprecated) 00:00:00
Unit DataSourceDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of data source dropdown.(deprecated) 190px
String DataSourceHeading Renames the heading within the datasources tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. Data Sources (Tables and Views)
Int32 DataSourceLimit Limits the number of data sources Izenda Reports allows to be used as data sources in a single report. 1000
Int32 DateArithmeticDecimalPlaces Gets or sets the value indicating how many decimal places will be included when formatting date arithmetic operations. 0
String DatePickerLanguage Gets or sets the default localization for datepicker controls within Ad Hoc. en-US
String Db2ConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string used to connect to a DB2 database. String.Empty
Int32 DdkValuesMaxAmount Gets or sets the maximum number of allowed drill-down keys when creating multi-key sub-reports. 2
String DefaultAlternatingItemColor Gets or sets the default color that is used on alternating grid items. Gainsboro
String DefaultHeaderForegroundColor Gets or sets the default foreground color of grid headers. White
String DefaultItemForegroundColor Gets or sets the default foreground color used for grid items. Black
Int32 DefaultItemsPerPage Changes the default items shown in the ReportViewer per page. 10000
Int32 DefaultLinesPerItem Gets or sets the default number of lines per item for the "Multi-Line" feature. 1
String DefaultLoadTab Gets or sets the name of tab on the Report Designer that is loaded by default. Fields
Int32 DefaultPreviewResults Changes the default number of results shown in the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner's preview tab. 100
String DefaultReportBorderColor Gets or sets the default color that will be used for the border around grid headers and items. White
String DefaultReportHeaderColor Gets or sets the default color that will be used for the grid headers. DarkSlateBlue
String DefaultReportItemColor Gets or sets the default background color of grid items. White
StringCollection DefaultReportOrder Gets or sets the default order for report parts. {Chart, Chart2, Chart3,
Chart4, Gauges, Summary,
Detail, Maps}
String DefaultSharingRights Gets or sets the default value of the "Rights" dropdown menu when the sharing controls are present on the Misc Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. None
String DefaultTable Gets or sets the name of the datasource that should be added to every report created. String.Empty
String DefaultUserName Gets or sets the username of users who haven't logged in. By default, this is set to "DefaultAdministrator". DefaultAdministrator
String DefaultVisibilityForNonAdmins Gets or sets the default visibility setting for reports created by users without administrator privileges. Valid values are OnlyMe, Everyone, or any of the CurrentUserRoles. OnlyMe
Unit DescriptionWidth Gets or sets the width of the "Description" textboxes on the Fields tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 100px
NameValueCollection DetailReportFormatString Gets or sets the extended link formats for the "Detail Link" format.(deprecated) null
Boolean Distinct GGets or sets the initial value for the Distinct option on the DataSources Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean DistinctSubtotalInnerQuery Gets or sets whether the DISTINCT option will be applied to inner queries when calculating subtotals. True
FormatCollection DrillDownStyle Gets or sets the list of available formats for displaying and accessing sub-reports from a main report. {DetailLink, DetailLinkNewWindow,
EmbeddedDetail, DetailLinkPopup, ComboKey}
String DundasImagesPath Gets or sets the base URL for dundas library images. If the value is null then the built-in base URL for images will be used. String.Empty
String EmailFromAddress Gets or sets the email address that will be used in the "from" line of emails sent via the scheduler and the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. adhoc@yourdomain.com
String EmailSubjectFormatString Gets or sets the format string to use for the subject line of emails sent via the report scheduler. The report name is the value used for the subject. {0}
Boolean EmbedReportInServerEmail Gets or sets whether reports sent via the server will be embedded in the email. When false, reports will be sent as links instead.(deprecated) False
String EmptyReportString Gets or sets a System.String message to display when a report has zero results. This can accept HTML. String.Empty
Int32 EOPdfLoadWaitTime Gets or sets the number of seconds the converter waits before trying to render the page. 2
Int32 EqualsDropDownLimit Gets or sets the limit for the number of items the Equals(Select), (Checkboxes), etc filters will fetch.(deprecated) 2000
Int32 EqualsDropDownTimeout Gets or sets the wait time in seconds to allow for "Equals (Select)" dropdown menus to load before timing out.(deprecated) 10
Dictionary EqualsPopupDestinations Gets or sets a collection of aspx pages and database columns that will be used for popup windows when the Equals(Popup) filter is selected. When a column in the set is selected with this filter, then the corresponding aspx page will be launched instead of the standard popup window. null
String EqualsSelectDateFormat Gets or sets the default date format utilized by the equals (Select) filters.(deprecated) MM/dd/yyyy
Int32 EqualsSelectLimit Gets or sets the limit for the number of items the Equals(Select), (Checkboxes), etc filters will fetch. 500
String EqualsSelectText Gets or sets the text of "Equals (Select)" operator. Equals (Select)
Int32 EqualsSelectTimeout Gets or sets the wait time in seconds to allow for "Equals (Select)" dropdown menus to load before timing out. 60
String ErrorIzendaReplacement Gets or sets the replacement string for instances of the word "Izenda" in stack traces generated from thrown exceptions. Izenda
EvoPdfAzureCloudServiceConfig EvoAzureServiceConfig The configuration for the Evo Azure Cloud Service String.Empty
String[] ExistingDatabaseConstraints Gets database constraints from your database connection. System.String[] {} - Depends on your database's constraints
Boolean ExpandCategorizedReports Gets or sets whether sub-categories will be expanded by default on the Report List. True
Boolean ExpandVisualGroupGrids Gets or sets whether visual groups in rendered reports are expanded by default. True
Encoding ExportEncoding Gets or sets the default character encoding type for exporting reports. null
TextSharpFontWrapper ExportFont Gets or sets the font for the PDF and RTF outputs when using the iTextSharp library to generate exports. String.Empty
Int32 ExportLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of rows that can be exported at once. 100000
String[] ExpressionFunctions Gets or sets the array of additional functions that can be used in the Expression System.String[] {}
NameValueCollection ExtendedFormats Gets or sets the collection of additional formats that will be displayed in the ReportDesigner's "Format" dropdown lists.(deprecated) null
String[] ExtendedFunctions Gets or sets the array of additional functions to display in the ReportDesigner's "Function" dropdown lists. System.String[] {}
NameDistinctValueCollection FieldAliases Gets or sets the collection of key-value pairs where the key is the field name and the value is a field alias. null
Unit FieldDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of "Field" dropdowns on the Fields tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 200px
String FieldFilterRegex Gets or sets the regular expression used for column filtering. If name of a column matches this expression then it will not be shown.(deprecated) MD5|^(Passw)
Int32 FieldLimit Limits the number of fields Izenda Reports allows to be used in a single report. 1000
FieldList FieldList Gets or sets the default Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.FieldList control. This represents the Fields tab on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) null
String FieldsRegex Gets or sets the regular expression used for filtering which fields users can view. If the name of a column matches this expression then it will not be shown on dropdowns that expose datasource fields. MD5|^(Passw)
String FieldValueCssUrl Gets or sets the link to the CSS file to be used on reports that use the Field|Value style. rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=FieldValue
NameDistinctValueCollection FilterAliases Gets or sets the collection of key-value pairs where the key is the column(field) name and the value is a filter alias. null
Unit FilterParameterWidth Gets or sets the width of the "Filter" dropdown menus on the Filters Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 300px
String FiltersCustomPagesPath Gets or sets the relative path to the Equals(PopUp) custom pages. String.Empty
String FiltersRegex Gets or sets the regular expression used for column filtering on the Filters Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. If the name of a column matches this expression then it will not be shown on the "filter field" dropdown in Filters Tab. MD5|^(Passw)
Int32 FilterTextAreaHeight Gets or sets textarea height for filters like equals_list, in pixels. 22
Boolean ForceNewNameOnSave Gets or sets whether the user will always be prompted for a new name upon saving reports. This will cause the "save" button to function just like the "save as" button normally would. False
Boolean ForceOptimizeForUnknownMsSql False
Boolean ForceResourceRequestsUniqueUrls Gets or sets whether the requests for resources should be redirected to dll-version-unique urls. This setting is application-wide. True
Unit FormatDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of the "Format" dropdown menus on the Fields, Summary, and Chart Tabs of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 190px
FormatCollection Formats Gets or sets the collection of available formats that will be displayed in the "Format" dropdown menus on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. {{0}, {0:#,0},
{0:#,0.00}, {0:C2}, MoneyDividedByHundred,
{0:d}, {0:D}, {0:t},
{0:T}, {0:f}, {0:F},
{0:g}, {0:G}, {0:Old},
TimePeriod, {0:##.0}, {0:##.00},
{0:##.000}, {0:0.##%}, PercentOfGroupWithRounding,
PercentOfGroup, Gauge, GaugeVariable,
GaugeDashboard, GaugeDashboardLinear, GaugeDashboardLogarithmic,
LineFeed, Box, HeatMap,
HeatMapWithoutLabel, Custom, DivisionByZero}
Unit FunctionDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of the "Function" dropdown menus on the Fields, Summary, Chart, and Gauge Tabs of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 182px
Int32 GaugeHeight Gets or sets the height for the "Gauge" format. 50
Double GaugeMaximum Gets or sets the maximum value of gauges created with the "Gauge" format.(deprecated) 1
Double GaugeMinimum Gets or sets the maximum value of gauges created with the "Gauge" format.(deprecated) 0
String[] GaugeStyles Gets or sets the list of styles that will be displayed on the Gauge tab under "Gauge Style". Using this setting will overwrite the default "Gauge Styles". String.Empty
Int32 GaugeWidth Gets or sets the width for the "Gauge" format. 250
Boolean GenerateParameterizedSql Gets or sets the value indicating whether queries to the database should be parameterized. True
Boolean GenerateThumbnails Gets or sets whether reports thumbnails will get generated for each report. False
String GeoDataTable Gets or sets the value indicating the table name that contains geodata for maps. String.Empty
GetEqualsSelectValuesDelegate GetEqualsSelectValues Represents a method that returns values for the operator. String.Empty
TableItemStyle GridHeaderStyle Gets or sets the CSS style of grid headers when using the analysis grid or VG hierarchy option. null
TableItemStyle GridItemStyle Gets or sets the CSS style of grid items when using the analysis grid or VG hierarchy option. null
Color HeaderForegroundColor Gets or sets the foreground color of grid headers. Color [White]
String HeaderStyle Gets or sets the style for the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.JoinedTablesList, Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.FieldList, and Izenda.Web.UI.FilterList headers. font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;color:black;
NameValueCollection HelpText Gets or sets the collection of key-value pairs where the key is the tab name and the value is a hint that will be shown when the mouse is hovered over the appropriate tab. null
String[] HiddenCategories Gets or sets which categories are hidden for the current user. String.Empty
String[] HiddenColumns Gets or sets the array of columns that should be hidden in all field dropdowns throughout the application. String.Empty
HiddenFilterCollection HiddenFilters Gets or sets a list of fields to use as filters that users cannot see or edit. This controls row-level security throughout the tool. This should be used in all multi-tenant systems and systems where users are restricted to certain records. null
List HiddenTimeZones Gets or sets the collection of hidden time zones.(deprecated) null
Boolean HideFiltersWhenLocked Gets or sets whether the Filters hidden on the report viewer for locked report. False
Int32 HighChartLabelWidth Gets or sets the value indicating labels max width for highcharts 0
String IdentifiersRegex Gets or sets the pattern that will be used to apply a default aggregate COUNT function to any fields whose descriptions match the expression. String.Empty
String ImagesPath Gets or sets the base URL for images used by AdHoc. If the value is null then the built-in base URL for images will be used. String.Empty
Boolean InheritFiltersInSubreports Gets or sets whether filters will be inherited in subreports. True
String InstantReport Gets or sets the URL of the InstantReports page. InstantReport.aspx
String InstantReportWithDelimiter Gets the InstantReport page with the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.UrlParametersDelimiter character at the end. InstantReport.aspx?
Boolean InvalidateSchemaOnNew Gets or sets whether the database schema is invalidated when a user creates a new report. False
Int32 InvertedGridLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of rows allowed when using the inverted grid option for summary reports. If this limit is reached, an exception is thrown. 36
Color ItemForegroundColor Gets or sets the foreground color of grid items. Color [Black]
Unit JoinDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of the "Join type" dropdown on the DataSources tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. The ShowJoinDropDown setting must be enabled for this to have an effect. 100px
JoinedTablesList JoinedTablesList Gets or sets the default Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.JoinedTablesList control. This represents the Advanced mode for the DataSources Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) null
String JoinFieldRegex Gets or sets the regular expression used for filtering fields that can be used to join tables on the Datasources Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. If the name of a column matches this expression then it will be excluded from the dropdown used to select join fields. String.Empty
NameValueCollection LabelAliases Gets or sets the collection of key-value pairs where the key is the field name and the value is a field alias. null
AdHocLanguage Language Gets or sets the default language and culture information for Ad Hoc. Your license key must support alternate languages for this to be used. English
Boolean LazySpMetadataPulling Gets or sets whether stored procedure metadata will be loaded at the same time as metadata for the rest of the schema. When true, stored procedure metadata will only be pulled when the stored procedure is executed. False
Boolean LimitStoredProc If set to true, optimizes amount of stored procedures calls. Will has effect only if set BEFORE any database-related settings and driver initializations False
Char LiteralComma Gets or sets the delimiter character used to separate items in the 'Equals' filter value textbox. This setting is application-wide. ,
Boolean LockViewer Gets or sets whether the Report Viewer will be locked or not. A locked Report Viewer means no filters or fields can be changed. False
String LoginUrl Gets or sets the page that will be used by the application as a login page. Login.aspx
MapInfoCollection MapInfoCollection Gets or sets the registered maps data for use on the Maps tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. {World, Europe,
USA, Australia}
Size MaxImageSize Gets or sets the maximum image size of the images generated for reports. If the size of an image is larger than the specified value, the image will be scaled. {Width=320, Height=240}
Int32 MaximumReportSizeForCache Gets or sets thet maximum amount of characters a single rendered report can contain. This number is compared to the total length of the HTML output for the report. If the report is smaller than this number, then it will be stored in the cache if caching is on. 1048576
Single MaxVersion Gets Max Version. 7
Unit MinPdfFontSize Gets or sets the minimum font size that will be used when creating a PDF document. The default is 10 point. 10pt
Boolean MultiLevelVisualGrouping Gets or sets the value indicating whether Visual Groups should be multi-level.(deprecated) True
String MySqlConnectionString Gets or sets the connection used to connect to a MYSQL database. String.Empty
String NoDataSourcePage Gets or sets the URL of the page that users will be redirected to if the application fails to load the datasources from the database. Settings.aspx
Int32 NumChartPerRow Gets or sets the maximum number of charts allowed per row. 2
Int32 NumChartTabs Gets or sets the maximum number of Chart tabs displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. One chart can be added per chart tab. 2
Int32 NumSharedDropdowns Gets or sets the maximum number of user/roles a report can be shared with. 3
Boolean OmitUnicodeFlagForCharParameters False
Boolean OpenCustomUrlInNewWindow Gets or sets whether custom URL links will be opened in a new window or the same window. Custom URLs can be defined in the "Advanced" field options. True
Int32 OracleCommandTimeout Sets the time Izenda Reports will wait for an Oracle command to execute before timing out.(deprecated) 3600
String OracleConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string used to connect to an Oracle database. String.Empty
String OracleConstraintsQuery Gets or sets query for constraints in oracle.(deprecated) String.Empty
ReportOutputGeneratorCollection OutputTypes Gets or sets the registered Izenda.AdHoc.ReportOutputGenerators. These control what formats reports may be exported to. {SQL, RDL, PDF,
String ParentReportDesignerUrl Gets or sets the URL that will be used for links that open the Report Designer page using the "target=_parent" attribute. String.Empty
String ParentReportListUrl Gets or sets the URL that will be used for links that open the Report List page using the "target=_parent" attribute. String.Empty
String ParentReportViewerUrl Gets or sets the URL that will be used for links that open the Report Viewer page using the "target=_parent" attribute. String.Empty
String ParentSettingsUrl Gets or sets the URL that will be used for links that open the Settings page using the "target=_parent" attribute. String.Empty
String PdfPageMargin Gets or sets the margins for the pages on PDF export. PdfPageMargin(30, 30, 30, 30)
String PdfPageSize Gets or sets the paper size on PDF export. PdfPageSize.A4
PdfMode PdfPrintMode Gets or sets the default PDF generation mode. This only has an effect when PrintMode is using one of the Html2Pdf modes. EOPDF
Boolean PerUserCaching Gets or sets whether the Izenda.AdHoc.Database.Driver.DatabaseSchema should be cached according to CurrentUserName and CurrentUserTenantID. False
Int32 PivotFieldLimit Gets or sets the limit of pivot columns allowed in a single report. 100
String PostgreSQLConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string used to connect to a Postgres database. String.Empty
Boolean PredefineConstraintsInReportSet False
Boolean PreventCSVInjection Prevents some strings from being interpreted as macros or formulas when exported to Excel. false
Int32 PreviewColumnLimit Gets or set value indicating number of columns to show in preview 100
String PreviewColumnLimitMessage Gets or sets the message that appears when the column limit is reached or exceeded on the Preview tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. Reports with more than 100 fields must be exported to CSV. Please check CSV Export to view data.
Int32 PreviewTimeout Gets or sets the System.Data.IDbCommand.CommandTimeout for SQL commands. Note: Will not work for Oracle connections 0
ProcessFiltersDelegate ProcessFiltersDelegate /// Represents a method that can be used to intercept and modify filters on the current Izenda.AdHoc.Report object. (deprecated) String.Empty
Int32 QuickAddFieldWidth Gets or sets the maximum width for items on the "Quick Add" menu on the Fields Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 20
Int32 QuickAddMinElementsInColumn Gets or sets the maximum number of items that will fit in a single column of fields when the "Quick Add" button is clicked on the Fields Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 20
String RDLFolder Gets or sets the path to the folder where RDL files should be saved. RDLFiles
Int32 RecentlyUpdatedCountAtReportList Gets or sets the value indicating how many reports will be displayed in the "recent reports" list on the Report List. 10
Boolean RedirectExports Gets or sets the value indicating whether exported reportsets will be returned without redirection. True
Color ReportAlternatingItemColor Gets or sets the default color of even numbered rows for rendered report grids. Color [Gainsboro]
Color ReportBorderColor Gets or sets the default color of the border for rendered report grids. Color [White]
String ReportCss Gets or sets the CSS style for the HTML and Excel output types for rendered reports.(deprecated) @import url(rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=Report);
String ReportCssUrl Gets or sets the link to the CSS file to be used on rendered reports. rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=Report
String ReportDesignerUrl Gets or sets the URL of the page used to design reports (Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner page). ReportDesigner.aspx
String ReportDesignerUrlWithDelimiter Gets the ReportDesigner page with the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.UrlParametersDelimiter character at the end. ReportDesigner.aspx?
Color ReportHeaderColor Gets or sets the default color of the header row for rendered report grids. Color [DarkSlateBlue]
Image ReportHeaderImage Gets or sets the image that will be shown at the top of all reports.(deprecated) String.Empty
String ReportHeaderImageUrl Gets or sets the link to the image that will be shown at the top of all reports. String.Empty
String ReportingService2005Url Gets or sets the base URL of the XML Web service. http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx
Color ReportItemColor Gets or sets the default color of odd numbered rows for rendered report grids. Color [White]
String ReportList Gets or sets the URL of the ReportList page. ReportList.aspx
ReportListSettings ReportListSettings Gets or sets whether to display the classic ReportList.(deprecated) HideAll
ReportSetEventWatcherCollection ReportSetEventWatchers Gets or sets the collection of registered Izenda.AdHoc.IReportSetEventWatchers that are used for handling various events on Izenda.AdHoc.ReportSet-related events. null
String ReportsPath Gets or sets the path of the folder where the application stores its reports when running in Izenda.AdHoc.FileSystemAdHocConfig mode. If the value is null then reports will be stored in the "Reports" subfolder of the application folder. [drive]:[ApplicationFolder]\Reports
Boolean ReportsSharedByDefault Gets or sets whether reports created by users are shared by default.(deprecated) True
StorageMode ReportStorageMode Defines how reports are stored - in the file system or in the database**(deprecated)** Filesystem
Double ReportTimeStampTimeZoneOffset 0
ReportTypeCollection ReportTypes Gets or sets the list of registered types of reports for use on the dashboard designer.(deprecated) {Detail, Summary, Chart,
Gauge, Map}
String ReportViewer Gets or sets the URL of the ReportViewer page. ReportViewer.aspx
Int32 ReportViewerDefaultPreviewResults Specifies the default maximum number of results displayed on the report viewer page for all reports. 100
String ReportViewerPostHtml Gets or sets a string of HTML that will be rendered after the entire report.(deprecated) String.Empty
String ReportViewerPreHtml Gets or sets a string of HTML that will be rendered before the entire report.(deprecated) String.Empty
Int32 ReportViewerRefreshInterval Gets or sets the time in milliseconds the classic Report Viewer will take to refresh itself. Zero means that there will be no refresh.(deprecated) 0
String ReportViewerWithDelimiter Gets the ReportViewer page with the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.UrlParametersDelimiter character at the end. ReportViewer.aspx?
String ReportViewPageTitle Gets or sets the title of the classic ReportViewer page. String.Empty
Boolean RequireLogin Gets or sets whether users will be automatically redirected to the page specified by the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.LoginUrl setting upon accessing the application. False
String ResourcesAuidSalt Gets or sets salt for hash-based assembly build unique id calculation (mainly affects forced resource requests unique urls). This setting is application-wide. String.Empty
String ResourcesPath Resources
String ResourcesProvider Gets or sets the URL of the session non-blocking resources provider page. This setting is application-wide. rp.aspx
String ResourcesProviderUniqueUrlWithDelimiter rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&
String ResourcesProviderWithDelimiter rp.aspx?
String ResourcesRootFolder Gets or sets path to folder on disk with izenda resources. If set, izenda will NOT search for resources outside of this folder. It must be absolute path, like d:\mysite\reporting It must either specify resources folder itself, like d:\mysite\reporting\resources, or any upper folder in directory structure, like d:\mysite\reporting or d:\mysite This setting can be used only before any other calls to izenda API, and even before license key This setting is application-wide. String.Empty
String ResponseServer Gets or sets the URL of the Izenda.AdHoc.ResponseServer page. rs.aspx
String ResponseServerWithDelimiter Gets the ResponseServer page with the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.UrlParametersDelimiter character at the end. rs.aspx?
String ResponseServerWithDelimiterFull Gets the ResponseServer page with the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.UrlParametersDelimiter character at the end. (deprecated) rs.aspx?
Int32[] ResultsDropdownValues Gets or sets the list of the values in the "Results" dropdown menu on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. System.Int32[]
String SavedReportsTable Gets or sets the table name for saved reports. IzendaAdHocReports
String SaveReportSetNextUrl Gets or sets the URL of the URL that will be loaded after saving a report. String.Empty
String ScheduledDashboardUrlFormatString Gets or sets the url that is sent via email as the report web address. http://localhost/ReportViewer.aspx?{0}
String ScheduledReportsUrlFormatString Gets or sets the URL that is sent via email as the report web address. http://localhost/ReportViewer.aspx?{0}
SchedulerOutputCollection SchedulerExports Gets or sets the types of formats that are available as options for exporting scheduled reports to.(deprecated) {}
SchedulerOutputCollection SchedulerOutputTypes Get or sets the export formats that are allowed when emailing scheduled reports. {Link, Embedded, PDF,
String SchedulerTenantID Gets or sets the tenantId to use for the scheduler. This ensures reports of different tenants are not scheduled erroneously.(deprecated) String.Empty
TimeSpan SchemaCacheTimeout Gets or sets how long the application will keep the schema in the cache before fetching it from the database again. 1.00:00:00
Unit SelectValueDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of the "Value" dropdown menus on the Filters tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner when Equals(Select), Equals(Checkboxes), Select(Multiple), or any (Field) operator is selected. 300px
String ServerEmailFormat Gets or sets the value indicating which format will be used for the "server email" feature This value should be one of keys from Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.SchedulerOutputTypes collection Link
Boolean ServiceMode Gets or set value indication service mode**(deprecated)** False
String SettingsKey Gets or sets the password used to access the Settings page. String.Empty
String SettingsPageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the Izenda.AdHoc.Settings page. Settings.aspx
String SharedWithValues Gets or sets the users or roles available in the "Share With" dropdown on the Misc tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. String.Empty
Boolean ShowActualSubtotals Gets or sets the behavior when calculating subtotals against preview results. False
Boolean ShowAddAll Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "AddAll" button and dropdown should be shown on the Fields Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowAddFieldInReportViewer Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "Add Field" dropdown lists are shown on the classic Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ReportViewer. (deprecated) True
Boolean ShowAdditionalJoinConditions Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show additional Join conditions controls False
Boolean ShowAdminButton Gets or sets whether the Settings button is shown.(deprecated) True
Boolean ShowAdvancedChartingButton Gets or sets whether the "Advanced" options button will be displayed on the Charts tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowAllInPreview Gets or sets whether the "Results" control should have the "All" item for the ReportDesigner and IR 2.0. True
Boolean ShowAllInResults Gets or sets whether the "Results" control should have the "All" item for the ReportViewer and Dash 2.0. True
Boolean ShowAllTables Gets or sets the value indicating whether all tables should be shown in tables dropdown.(deprecated) True
Boolean ShowAllVirtualDatasources Defines default visibility of virtual datasources True
Boolean ShowArithmeticInSummary Gets or sets whether arithmetic operations are available to use on the summary tab of Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowArithmeticOperations Gets or sets whether arithmetic operations are available to use on the fields tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowBackButton Gets or sets whether the "Back" button should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. False
Boolean ShowBetweenDateCalendar Gets or sets whether calendar controls should be used for Between operation for DateTime filters. True
Boolean ShowBulkCSVButton Gets or sets whether bulk CSV exports are allowed.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowCategoryTextboxInSaveDialog Gets or sets whether the category textbox should be shown in the save dialog. True
Boolean ShowChartLegend Gets or sets whether legends will be displayed on charts created via the Charts Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowChartTab Gets or sets whether the Chart Tabs should be displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowClientEmailButton Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "email from client" icon should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. True
Boolean ShowConstraintsSettings Gets or sets whether editing constraints is allowed.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowContinueLinks Gets or sets whether the "Continue to" buttons are enabled on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. The buttons are designed to assist walking a user through the tabs. True
Boolean ShowCSVButton Gets or sets whether exporting to CSV is allowed. True
Boolean ShowCustomFormatType Gets or sets whether any "Custom" format types will be shown in the formats dropdown menus on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowDashboardAddDropDown Gets or sets a value indicating whether "add dashboard subreport" should be shown as DropDownList control.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowDashboardFieldsTab Gets or sets the value indicating whether the Dashboard Fields Tab is displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowDashboardPartViewerLinks Gets or sets whether the Dashboard Viewer will have edit links for the displayed report parts. True
Boolean ShowDashboardSettings Gets or sets whether dashboard settings are displayed for editing.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowDatabaseDiagramIcon Gets or sets whether the Database Diagram icon should be shown in the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowDatabaseTypes Gets or set value indicating whether database types should be shown in the fields dropdown. False
Boolean ShowDataSourcesAsCheckBoxes Gets or sets whether the Datasources Tab on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner will be initialized with checkboxes or dropdown menus. True
Boolean ShowDataSourcesTab Gets or sets whether the Datasources Tab is displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowDataWhenParametersBlank Gets or sets whether data should be shown on the classic Report Viewer if all parameters are blank.(deprecated) True
Boolean ShowDescriptionsInReportsTab Gets or sets whether each report's description should be shown in the Reports Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) False
Boolean ShowDesignDashboardLink Gets or sets whether the "Open in Designer" link is shown for Dashboards. True
Boolean ShowDesignLinkInReportViewer Gets or sets whether the "Design" link should be shown on the classic Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ReportViewer. (deprecated) True
Boolean ShowDesignLinks Gets or sets whether design links should be shown on the report list and on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. True
Boolean ShowDetailFormat Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "Detail Link" format should be shown in formats dropdown.(deprecated) True
Boolean ShowDistinct Gets or sets whether the "Distinct" option will be shown on the Data Sources tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowDOCButton Gets or sets whether exporting to Microsoft Word is allowed. True
Boolean ShowEtlButton Gets or sets whether the upload data button should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. Your License Key must allow ETL for this setting to take effect. False
Boolean ShowFieldAsValueDropDown Gets or sets whether filters using the "Is Less Then (Field)", "Is Greater Then (Field)" and "Equals (Field)" operators will display their values in a dropdown list. When this is false, the dropdown will be replaced with a standard textbox. True
Boolean ShowFieldsTab Gets or sets whether the Fields Tab is displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowFieldValueCheckbox Gets or sets whether the "show main report in Field|Value style" checkbox should be shown on the style tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowFieldValueSummaryCheckbox Gets or sets whether the "show summary report in Field|Value style" checkbox should be shown on the style tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowFilterFunctions Gets or sets whether functions are allowed on the filters tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) True
Boolean ShowFilterLogic Gets or sets the value indicating whether Filter Logic should be shown on the filters tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowFiltersInDashboards Gets or sets whether filters should be shown on Dashboards. True
Boolean ShowFiltersInReportViewer Gets or sets whether filters should be shown in the classic Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ReportViewer. (deprecated) True
Boolean ShowFiltersTab Gets or sets whether the Filters Tab is displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowFunctions Gets or sets whether functions should be shown on the fields tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowGaugePercentage Gets or sets whether percentages of the total value of all gauges should be displayed on gauges. False
Boolean ShowGaugeTab Gets or sets whether the Gauge Tab should be displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowGoButton Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "Go" button should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. False
Boolean ShowGradientBackground Gets or sets whether data grid items will use a gradient background. The base color used depends on which color is selected for grid item background colors on the Style tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowGroupInFunctionDropdown Gets or sets the value indicating whether the GROUP option should be shown in the Function dropdown. Otherwise, it will be shown as a separate checkbox. True
Boolean ShowGroupMonth Gets or sets whether the Group(Month) function should be visible for grouping dates via the function dropdown menus on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) False
Boolean ShowHelpButton Gets or sets the value indicating whether the button to hide the help panel on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. False
Boolean ShowHtmlAsCode Gets or sets whether HTML code should be rendered or displayed as plain text in individual report fields. False
Boolean ShowHtmlButton Gets or sets the value indicating possibility export to HTML (HTML Print) True
Boolean ShowInTimePeriod Gets or sets whether the "In Time Period" item is shown as an option in the operators dropdown. True
Boolean ShowInvalidVizExportLink Gets or sets the value indicating whether "To view the interactive visualization please click this link." message should be shown. True
Boolean ShowInvertSummaryCheckbox Gets or sets whether the "Invert" checkbox should be shown on the summary tab.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowInvisible Gets or sets the value indicating whether invisible checkboxes should be shown in the Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.FieldList. (deprecated) False
Boolean ShowJoinAliasTextboxes Gets or sets whether textboxes will be displayed on the Data Sources tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner in advanced mode that can be used to assign specific aliases to datasources that are joined together. False
Boolean ShowJoinDropDown Gets or sets whether the join type dropdown should be displayed on the Datasources Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. This only applies when using the Advanced mode to select datasources. False
Boolean ShowJustification Gets or sets whether the checkboxes allowing users to change the justification setting for fields, headers, and footers will be displayed on the Fields Tab and Misc Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowLinkFormats Gets or sets whether the link format function options for fields in the Fields tab of ReportDesigner.(deprecated) True
Boolean ShowLoadingForDesigner Gets or sets whether the "loading..." message should be shown when the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner loads. (deprecated) False
Boolean ShowLoadingOnDesignerLoad Gets or sets whether the "loading..." message should be shown when the Report Designer loads.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowLogoInPdf Gets or sets whether the "powered by Izenda" logo will be displayed on PDF exports using the iTextSharp PDF generator.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowMapTab Gets or sets whether the Map Tab should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowMenuInReportViewer Gets or sets whether the main menu should be shown on the classic Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ReportViewer. (deprecated) False
Boolean ShowMiscTab Gets or sets whether the Misc Tab should be displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowModifiedReportMessage Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "report was modified by another user" message shown in the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowModifyButton Gets or sets whether the "Modify" button should be shown on the classic ReportViewer toolbar.(deprecated) True
Boolean ShowMultiLineControls Gets or sets whether the style tab on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner will display controls to manage multiline behaviors for individual reports. False
Boolean ShowNewButton Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "New" icon should be shown in the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowNonIndexedJoinFields Gets or sets whether non-indexed join fields should be shown. True
Boolean ShowODTButton Gets or sets whether exporting to OpenOffice is allowed.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowOnlineDocumentation Gets or sets the value indicating if it's nessesary to show Details button in Settings.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowOpenOfficeButton Gets or sets whether exporting to OpenOffice is allowed. False
Boolean ShowPDFButton Gets or sets whether exporting to Adobe PDF is allowed. True
Boolean ShowPivot Gets or sets whether the "Add Pivot" button is displayed on the Fields Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowPoweredByLogo Gets or sets whether the "Powered By Izenda" logo will be shown below rendered report results. False
Boolean ShowPreviewTab Gets or sets the value indicating whether the Preview Tab is displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowPublishRdlButton Gets or sets whether the publish RDL button should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. Your license key must also allow RDL output. False
Boolean ShowRdlOutputIcon Gets or sets whether the RDL button should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. False
Boolean ShowRecentDatasources Gets or sets whether the recent datasources dropdown list will be shown in the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowRemoveAll Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "Remove All" button should be shown on the Fields Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowRemoveFieldInReportViewer Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "Remove Field" dropdown lists are shown on the classic Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ReportViewer. (deprecated) True
Boolean ShowReportClassifiers Gets or sets the value indicating whether the Izenda.Web.UI.ReportClassifiers control should be shown in the "Misc" tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. Report classifiers control visibility and ownership. True
Boolean ShowReportColor Gets or sets the value indicating whether report color dropdowns are shown in the Style tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowReportingServicesSettings Gets or sets the value indicating allows edit reporting services settings**(deprecated)** False
Boolean ShowReportsInHtmlOutput Gets or sets whether the list of reports should be shown in the ReportViewer.(deprecated) True
Boolean ShowReportsListAsDropDown Gets or sets the value indicating whether reports displayed in Archive tab should be hyperlinks or should be items of dropdown list box. True if reports should be displayed as hyperlinks. False if reports should be displayed as items of dropdown list box. False
Boolean ShowReportsTab Gets or sets whether the Reports Tab is displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowResponseServerDetails Gets or sets whether the response server page will display diagnostic information when navigated to directly. True
Boolean ShowRowButtons Gets or sets whether the insert and move buttons should be shown on the Fields Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowSaveAsToolbarButton Gets or sets whether the "Save As" button should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. True
Boolean ShowSaveControls Gets or sets whether save controls should be shown in the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control, the classic report viewer, and the reports tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowSaveControlsInReportsTab Gets or sets whether save controls should be displayed on the Reports Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowSaveInReportViewer Gets or sets whether save controls should be shown in the ReportViewer. The Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ShowSaveControls setting must also be enabled for this setting to have an effect. (deprecated) True
Boolean ShowSaveRdlToolbarButton Gets or sets whether the "Save As RDL" button should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. False
Boolean ShowScheduleControls Gets or sets whether the report scheduling controls will be shown on the "Misc" tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowServerEmailButton Gets or sets the value indicating whether the "server email" icon should be shown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. False
Boolean ShowSettingsButton Gets or sets whether the Settings button is displayed on the ribbon menu used throughout AdHoc. True
Boolean ShowSettingsButtonForNonAdmins Gets or sets whether the Settings button will be shown to users without administrator rights. False
Boolean ShowSharedCheckbox Gets or sets whether the checkbox for sharing the report is shown on the Misc tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) True
Boolean ShowSharingControl Gets or sets whether the report sharing controls will be displayed on the Misc tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowSideHelp Gets or sets whether side help should be shown on all tabs of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. False
Boolean ShowSimpleModeViewer Gets or sets a value indicating whether the classic ReportViewer mode is simple mode. Simple mode hides the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control. False
Boolean ShowSqlEditor Defines availability of SQL Editor tab for current user False
Boolean ShowSqlOutputIcon Gets or sets whether the SQL output icon should be shown in the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowStackTrace Gets or sets the value indicating format for showing exceptions. Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.UseFriendlyErrors must be on for this to have an effect. True
Boolean ShowStyleTab Gets or sets whether the Style Tab should be displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowSummaryLine Gets or sets whether the usage of a summary line on the fields tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner is allowed. (deprecated) True
Boolean ShowSummaryTab Gets or sets whether the Summary Tab should be displayed on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowTableNames Gets or sets whether columns in the "Field" dropdown of the Fields tab will display the table name as well as the column name. When enabled, columns display as [TableName].[ColumnName], as opposed to just "ColumnName". False
Boolean ShowTenantField When false, this hides the field identified in the TenantField property from being selected or viewed by users. Any filters based on the tenant field will still affect the results. True
Boolean ShowTimeInFilterPickers Gets or sets the value indicating whether time will be available in datepickers in filters. False
Boolean ShowTimeZoneDropdown Gets or sets the value indicating whether the timezone dropdown will be shown on the Misc tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowTopInFields Gets or sets whether the "Results" textbox should be displayed on the Fields Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowTopInSummary Gets or sets whether the "Results" textbox should be displayed on the Summary Tab of Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. True
Boolean ShowVisPropertiesInDashboards Gets or sets whether visualization properties should be shown on Dashboards. False
Boolean ShowVisualGroupLabels Gets or sets whether field names should be shown in visual group header.(deprecated) False
Boolean ShowWatermarkedExports Gets or sets whether exports should contain a watermark when license errors occur. True
Boolean ShowWaterMarks Gets or sets whether watermarks will be used on license errors. True
Boolean ShowWidth Gets or sets whether the "Width" textbox should be shown on the Fields Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) False
Boolean ShowXLSButton Gets or sets whether exporting to Microsoft Excel is allowed. True
String SimpleFilterCssUrl Gets or sets the CSS stylesheet URL for the Izenda.Web.UI.FilterList. rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=SimpleFilter
Boolean SingleLineViewerToolbar Gets or set value indicating whether the toolbar for the classic Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ReportViewer should be single line. (deprecated) False
BindIPEndPoint SmtpClientBindIPEndPointDelegate Gets or sets the BindIPEndPointDelegate of SMTPClient for sending e-mails. String.Empty
String SmtpLogin Gets or sets the SMTP server login username. String.Empty
String SmtpPassword Gets or sets the SMTP server password. String.Empty
Int32 SmtpPort Gets or sets the SMTP server port for sending e-mails. 25
Boolean SmtpSecureConnection Gets or sets the SMTP server secure connection for sending e-mails. False
String SmtpServer Gets or sets the SMTP server address for sending e-mails. localhost
Boolean SortColumnNames Gets or sets whether dropdowns with column names are sorted alphabetically. True
Boolean SortGridOnServerInViewer Determines the behavior of the sorting feature triggered by clicking on the header in the report grid. When set to True report grid is sorted on the server and rendered results are refreshed. Note: Works only in Report Viewer. False
Int32 SqlCommandTimeout Gets or sets the wait time in seconds for dropdown menus that use results loaded from database queries. If the wait time has elapsed and the query has not returned, the command ends. 3600
String SqlServerConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string used to connect to an MSSQL database. String.Empty
Boolean StoreCurrentReportSetInApplication Gets or sets whether the CurrentReportSet should be stored as an application variable instead of a session variable. False
Int32 StoredProcedureStringLimit Gets or sets the maximum length of VARCHAR parameters used by Stored Procedures (-1 for MAX)(deprecated) -1
Boolean StoreImagesToCache Gets or sets the value indicating how temporary images should be stored. True
Boolean StrictANSIOuterJoin Gets or sets value indicating that strict ANSI/ISO SQL-92 outer join will be used (affects filters applied to joined tables). True
Boolean StripInvalidCharacters Gets or sets whether invalid characters in report names should be stripped. Valid characters are any alphanumeric characters, underscores, hyphens, backslashes, single quotes, and whitespace. True
String SubCalculationFilterRegex Gets or sets the regular expression used for subtotal calculation. If the name of a column matches this expression then it will not be considered when calculating subtotals. blank
String TabBackgroundImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the background image used for the tabs on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) String.Empty
AliasesCollection TableAliases Gets or sets the collection of key-value pairs where the key is the table name and the value is a table alias.(deprecated) null
Unit TableDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of the dropdowns on the Advanced mode of the DataSources Tab of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. 190px
String TableFilterRegex Gets or sets the regular expression used for table filtering. If the name of a table or a column matches this expression then it will be excluded. ^(IzendaAdHoc)
String TabsCss Gets or sets the CSS style for the Izenda.Web.UI.TabStrip. (deprecated) @import url(rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=tabs);
String TabsCssUrl Gets or sets the CSS stylesheet URL for the Izenda.Web.UI.TabStrip. rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=tabs
String TempFiles Gets or sets the path to the folder for storing temporary files. TempFiles
String TemplatesPath Gets or sets the path of the folder where designed form templates are stored. Requires Izenda's forms product extension. [drive]:[ApplicationFolder]\Reports
String TenantField The name of the database field that stores tenant information for users. The user's TenantIDs are used as the values that will be matched within the field's data. String.Empty
Boolean TenantFilterOrIsBlank Gets or sets if tenant-driven filter will be OrIsBlank False
FieldHighlightInfoDictionary TextHighlight Gets the list of name value pairs that correspond to fields in the report and the color used to shade the field contents.(deprecated) null
Boolean ThrowExceptionOnAddConstraintError Determines whether exception will be thrown when constraint can't be added using Driver.AddConstraint method True
Int32 ThumbnailHeight Gets or sets the value indicating thumbnail height in pixels. 220
Int32 ThumbnailWidth Gets or sets the value indicating thumbnail width in pixels. 170
Unit TimePeriodDropDownWidth Gets or sets the width of the "Values" dropdown when the "In Time Period" operator is selected. 190px
Double TimeZoneOffset Gets or sets the value indicating the time zone offset in Hours. 0
SchedulerTimeZoneCollection TimeZones Gets or sets the collection of additional and hidden time zones for scheduling reports.(deprecated) null
String ToolbarBackgroundImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the gradient image used on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) String.Empty
String ToolbarBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the border used on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. (deprecated) #95b7f3
String ToolbarCssUrl Gets or sets the CSS stylesheet URL for the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocToolbarNavigation control of the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. rp.aspx?auid=[auid]&css=toolbar
Boolean TrimSqlFilterInput Determines whether filter values are trimmed automatically to avoid accidental incorrect input True
Boolean TrimTimeInJoins Gets or sets whether joins using DateTime database fields will use the time portion of the field value or not when constructing the join. True
Int32 UltimateDbCommandTimeout Gets or sets the wait time in seconds for ANY database command. -1
String UnCategorizedReportsMenuItemTitle Gets or sets the uncategorized reports menu item title.(deprecated) Reports
Boolean UseAdvancedGauge Gets or sets whether to use a more visually appealing gauge when using the "Gauge" format. The basic gauge is a solid color non-stylized bar whereas the advanced gauge has tick marks and uses gradient colors. True
Boolean UseBulkCSV Gets or sets whether CSV exports will use standard or bulk processing methods. The maximum number of rows a bulk export can retrieve is contingent on the ExportLimit. True
Boolean UseCachedFilteredLists Gets or sets whether reports list caching is enabled. This setting is application-wide. True
Boolean UseColumnNameForDashboardCommonFilters Gets or sets whether common filters in the Dashboard should be combined using Column Name only. Otherwise filters will not be combined at all. True
Boolean UseConstraintsForJoins Gets or sets whether multiple autojoining conditions are allowed.(deprecated) False
Boolean UseDefaultDialogs Gets or sets the value indicating whether system dialogs should be shown instead of AdHoc dialogs.(deprecated) False
Boolean UseFriendlyErrors Gets or sets the value indicating whether friendly errors should be shown on exceptions. Friendly errors are represented with the error message and a hyperlink that opens the stack trace in a framed HTML output string. When this is false, errors are simply re-thrown to be handled by .NET's error handling. True
Boolean UseImageDescriptions Gets or sets whether charts, gauges, and other images will use an ALT tag containing relevant information to describe the image. False
Boolean UseNativeOracleClient Gets or sets whether the Oracle driver uses the native Oracle client. False
Boolean UseNoLock Gets or sets the value indicating whether the NOLOCK statment will be used in SQL queries. True
Boolean UseNonPostbackDeleting Gets or sets whether deleting a report causes a postback to the server. If the application is an MVC app, then this will always be true. True
Boolean UseNonPostbackExport Gets or sets whether exporting a report will cause a server postback to occur. True
Boolean UseNonPostbackPreview Gets or sets whether clicking the "Preview" tab on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner causes a postback to the server. If the application is an MVC app, then this will always be true. True
Boolean UseNonPostbackServerEmailing Gets or sets the value indicating whether should not be postback on report sever emailing. True
Boolean UseReportID Gets or sets whether GUIDs will be used instead of report names in web links and url parameters. False
Boolean UseSafeDivisionInExpressions Determines whether safe division SQL is automatically added to the Expressions with the division operator True
Boolean UseStrictDateTimeFilterParsing Gets or sets whether izenda should use strict parsing of pre-defined filter datetime values when saving report in designer to XML. False
Boolean ValidateBeforeSave Gets or sets the value indicating whether the Izenda.AdHoc.ReportSet should be validated before saving. Reports are invalid if they contain no fields or if any piece of the entire report threw an error. False
Boolean ValidateExistingReportsInDesigner Gets or sets the value indicating whether reportset should be validated before saving True
Boolean ViewsOnly Gets or sets the value indicating whether only views will be displayed on the datasources tab. False
String[] VisibleDataSources Gets or sets the array of datasource names that should be shown in the datasources dropdown on the Izenda.Web.UI.AdHocReportDesigner. System.String[] {}
String[] VisibleTables Gets or sets the array of table names that should be shown in the datasources dropdown.(deprecated) System.String[] {}
VisualGroupStyle VisualGroupStyle Gets or sets the default Visual Group style that will be used when designing reports.(deprecated) CommaDelimited
String VisualizationsBaseUrl Gets or sets the base url for visualizations files. String.Empty
String VisualizationsFolder Gets or sets full path to the Visualizations folder String.Empty
String[] WebFarmNodesRsUrls Gets or sets response server urls of other machines in webfarm String.Empty