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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/


Obsolete: This setting is no longer available as of Izenda All database schema disk caching is handled by CacheSchema.

This setting controls whether stored procedure metadata (parameters and returned columns) is cached to the server's filesystem. When enabled, on the first call to get database schema stored procedures, each will be run to obtain the metadata and will have that data stored to the filesystem for future use until the cache expires. When disabled, every request that accesses the database schema will re-run stored procedures.

Default Value: false

Global.asax (C♯)

//main class: inherits DatabaseAdHocConfig or FileSystemAdHocConfig
public class CustomAdHocConfig : Izenda.AdHoc.DatabaseAdHocConfig
  // Configure settings
  // Add custom settings after setting the license key and connection string by overriding the ConfigureSettings() method
  public static void InitializeReporting() {
    //Check to see if we've already initialized.
    if (AdHocContext.Initialized)
    AdHocSettings.LicenseKey = "INSERT_LICENSE_KEY_HERE";
    AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = "INSERT_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE";
    Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.AdHocConfig = new CustomAdHocConfig();
    AdHocSettings.CacheStoredProcedureMetaDataToDisk = true; //The relevant setting
    AdHocContext.Initialized = true;

Global.asax (VB.NET)

'main class: inherits DatabaseAdHocConfig or FileSystemAdHocConfig
Public Class CustomAdHocConfig
    Inherits Izenda.AdHoc.DatabaseAdHocConfig

    Shared Sub InitializeReporting()
        'Check to see if we've already initialized
        If AdHocContext.Initialized Then
        'Initialize System
        AdHocSettings.LicenseKey = "INSERT_LICENSE_KEY_HERE"
        AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = "INSERT_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE"
        Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.AdHocConfig = New CustomAdHocConfig()
        AdHocSettings.CacheStoredProcedureMetaDataToDisk = True 'The relevant setting
        AdHocContext.Initialized = True
    End Sub
End Class