This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
Gets or sets a list of aspx pages and column names used to link the Equals(Popup) window to an aspx page. The page runs inside an iframe and uses two methods to pass values from the application to the custom page and back. To learn more about the custom aspx page, you can visit this link.
public class CustomAdHocConfig : FileSystemAdHocConfig { public static void InitializeReporting() { //Check to see if we've already initialized. if (HttpContext.Current.Session == null || HttpContext.Current.Session["ReportingInitialized"] != null) return; //Initialize System AdHocSettings.LicenseKey = "Insert_license_key_here"; AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = @"insert_connection_string_here"; AdHocSettings.GenerateThumbnails = true; AdHocSettings.DashboardViewer = "Dashboards.aspx"; AdHocSettings.ShowSimpleModeViewer = true; AdHocSettings.IdentifiersRegex = "^.*[iI][Dd]$"; AdHocSettings.TabsCssUrl = "Resources/css/tabs.css"; AdHocSettings.ReportCssUrl = "Resources/css/Report.css"; AdHocSettings.ShowBetweenDateCalendar = true; AdHocSettings.AdHocConfig = new CustomAdHocConfig(); AdHocSettings.PrintMode = PrintMode.Html2PdfAndHtml; AdHocSettings.ChartingEngine = ChartingEngine.HtmlChart; AdHocSettings.EqualsPopupDestinations["MyCustomFilters"] = new string[] { "ShipCountry", "ShipCity", "ShipRegion" }; //relevent setting. The string in the Key must match the name of the custom filters page. The string array values represent the columns that are associated with the page.
Public Class CustomAdHocConfig Inherits FileSystemAdHocConfig Public Shared Sub InitializeReporting() 'Check to see if we've already initialized. If (HttpContext.Current.Session Is Nothing OrElse (Not (HttpContext.Current.Session("ReportingInitialized") Is Nothing))) Then Return End If 'Initialize System AdHocSettings.LicenseKey = "insert_license_key_here" AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = "insert_connection_string_here" AdHocSettings.GenerateThumbnails = True AdHocSettings.DashboardViewer = "Dashboards.aspx" AdHocSettings.ShowSimpleModeViewer = True AdHocSettings.IdentifiersRegex = "^.*[iI][Dd]$" AdHocSettings.TabsCssUrl = "Resources/css/tabs.css" AdHocSettings.ReportCssUrl = "Resources/css/Report.css" AdHocSettings.ShowBetweenDateCalendar = True AdHocSettings.AdHocConfig = New CustomAdHocConfig() AdHocSettings.ChartingEngine = ChartingEngine.HtmlChart AdHocSettings.EqualsPopupDestinations("MyCustomFilters") = New String() {"ShipCountry", "ShipCity", "ShipRegion" } // relevent setting. The string in the Key must match the name of the custom filters page. The string array values represent the columns that are associated with the page.
Last edited by Joseph Adams, 2014-10-31 10:22:09