This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
Below is the SQL sample to create a View with 1 million records using the Northwind example database. This query can be used to load test your application with before you send it out to production.
CREATE View [1MOrders] AS SELECT TOP 1000000 [Orders].[OrderID] ,[CustomerID] ,[OrderDate] ,[RequiredDate] ,[ShippedDate] ,[ShipVia] ,[Freight] ,[ShipName] ,[ShipAddress] ,[ShipCity] ,[ShipRegion] ,[ShipPostalCode] ,[ShipCountry] ,[Order Details].[UnitPrice] ,[Quantity] ,[Discount] ,[Products].[ProductID] ,[ProductName] ,[QuantityPerUnit] ,[UnitsInStock] ,[UnitsOnOrder] ,[ReorderLevel] ,[Discontinued] ,[CategoryName] ,[Description] FROM Orders JOIN [Order Details] ON [Order Details].[OrderID] = [Orders].[OrderID] CROSS JOIN Products CROSS JOIN Categories GO
DROP VIEW NORTHWIND."1MOrders"; CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW NORTHWIND."1MOrders" ( "OrderID" ,"CustomerID" ,"OrderDate" ,"RequiredDate" ,"ShippedDate" ,"ShipVia" ,"Freight" ,"ShipName" ,"ShipAddress" ,"ShipCity" ,"ShipRegion" ,"ShipPostalCode" ,"ShipCountry" ,"UnitPrice" ,"Quantity" ,"Discount" ,"ProductID" ,"ProductName" ,"QuantityPerUnit" ,"UnitsInStock" ,"UnitsOnOrder" ,"ReorderLevel" ,"Discontinued" ,"CategoryName" ,"Description" ) AS SELECT Orders.OrderID ,CustomerID ,OrderDate ,RequiredDate ,ShippedDate ,ShipVia ,Freight ,ShipName ,ShipAddress ,ShipCity ,ShipRegion ,ShipPostalCode ,ShipCountry ,Order_Details.UnitPrice ,Quantity ,Discount ,Products.ProductID ,ProductName ,QuantityPerUnit ,UnitsInStock ,UnitsOnOrder ,ReorderLevel ,Discontinued ,CategoryName ,Description FROM Orders JOIN "ORDER_DETAILS" ON "ORDER_DETAILS"."ORDERID" = "ORDERS"."ORDERID" CROSS JOIN PRODUCTS CROSS JOIN CATEGORIES where rownum <= 1000000; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM NORTHWIND."Orders Qry" FOR NORTHWIND."1MOrders";
Last edited by IzendaPeterCho, 2015-04-16 11:33:17