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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/


This method is used to customize charts using the Dundas charting engine. In order to use this library for charts, set AdHocSettings.ChartingEngine = ChartingEngine.DundasChart;. By default, this setting will be set to this value, but in the standard kit distributed on our site the ChartingEngine is set to HtmlChart.

Note: As we have switched to HtmlCharts, and with the more current D3 visualizations being the current standard chart type, the Dundas charts are no longer actively maintained.

C# Example

public override void CustomizeDundasChart(object chart, Hashtable properties, Type chartType)
	if (chartType.FullName != "Izenda.AdHoc.DundasBarChart")
	Dundas.Charting.WebControl.Chart dchart = chart as Dundas.Charting.WebControl.Chart;
	if (dchart == null)

	foreach (Dundas.Charting.WebControl.ChartArea chartArea in dchart.ChartAreas)
		chartArea.AxisY2.Enabled = Dundas.Charting.WebControl.AxisEnabled.False;

	base.CustomizeDundasChart(chart, properties, chartType);

VB.NET Example

Public Overrides Sub CustomizeDundasChart(chart As Object, properties As Hashtable, chartType As Type)
    If Not chartType.FullName.Equals("Izenda.AdHoc.DundasBarChart") Then
    End If
    Dim dchart As Dundas.Charting.WebControl.Chart = DirectCast(chart, Dundas.Charting.WebControl.Chart)
    If dchart Is Nothing Then
    End If
    For Each chartArea As Dundas.Charting.WebControl.ChartArea In dchart.ChartAreas
        chartArea.AxisY2.Enabled = Dundas.Charting.WebControl.AxisEnabled.False
    MyBase.CustomizeDundasChart(chart, properties, chartType)
End Sub