This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
The justification or alignment can be controlled through the Izenda Reports settings.aspx page (v5.4 and up) by setting the "Show Justification" setting on the "Features" tab. The justification of certain headers and titles will then be customizable in the report designer. Justification controls are clickable boxes that cycle through the three options (R, M, L).
The justification or alignment can also be set in your C# code using the following line in your ConfigureSettings() method.
AdHocSettings.ShowJustification = true;
Here is a list of where in the application you can find justification controls:
In the advanced settings (the cog symbol to the right of the fields on each row) there exist two separate justification options.
Also in the advanced settings, there exist two separate justification options.
There are a couple of different text boxes that have justification options.
Last edited by Joseph Adams, 2014-04-02 09:37:06