This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
Represents a method that allows operations to be performed after loading the specified report. This method must be overridden if it is to be used and has no default behavior.
public override void PostLoadReportSet(string name, ReportSet reportSet) { File.WriteAllText(string.Format("C:\\Backup\\Reports\\{0}\\{1}.xml", reportSet.ReportCategory, reportSet.ReportName), reportSet.WriteXml()); }
Public Overrides Sub PostLoadReportSet(name As String, reportSet As ReportSet) File.WriteAllText(String.Format("C:\\Backup\\Reports\\{0}\\{1}.xml", reportSet.ReportCategory, reportSet.ReportName), reportSet.WriteXml()) End Sub
Last edited by Joseph Adams, 2017-06-06 12:55:55