This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
Izenda offers many various methods of implementing security over the scope of your reports. It is highly customizable and can be controlled through the global.asax file. Here we will provide various security samples for different levels of access. You may modify these to suit your own organization's needs.
Here we demonstrate what basic security settings might look like in your application. In this case, initialization would be performed while confirming the user's identity. You may also call the InitializeReporting()
method after the user has been authenticated.
public static void InitializeReporting() { AdHocSettings.LicenseKey = "INSERT_LICENSE_KEY_HERE"; AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = "..."; AdHocSettings.CurrentUserName = GetUserName(); AdHocSettings.CurrentUserTenantId = GetTenantID(); string role = GetUserRoleFromApp() if(role == "Admin") { Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.VisibleDataSources = new string[] { "Purchasing.Vendor", "Products", "Orders", "Order Details", "Customers" }; } else { Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.VisibleDataSources = new string[] { "Products", "Orders", "Customers" }; Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.CurrentUserIsAdmin = false; Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ShowSettingsButton = false; Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.ShowSqlOutputIcon = false; Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.HiddenFilters["ShipCountry"]= GetUserCountry(); } }
You could also use more complex logic. For example, you could filter all queries for the particular user or user group.
public override void PreExecuteReportSet(ReportSet reportSet) { bool isLocalManager = false; foreach (string role in AdHocSettings.CurrentUserRoles) if (role == "Local Manager") isLocalManager = true; if (!AdHocSettings.CurrentUserIsAdmin || isLocalManager) { Filter filter = new Filter(); filter.Column = "ShipCity"; filter.SqlOverride = "ShipCity IN (SELECT ShipCity FROM [dbo].[Orders] WHERE ShipCountry = 'USA')"; reportSet.Filters.AddHidden(filter); } }
Table and View Access
To limit what data sources a user can see, apply the VisibleDataSources setting. Its argument is an array of strings. Izenda recommends creating database views to simplify the user experience. Izenda Reports will only show views if you set ViewsOnly to true. Here is an example:
//set access to which tables and views are visible if(!AdHocSettings.CurrentUserIsAdmin) Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.VisibleDataSources = new string[]{ "Products", "Categories" }; else Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.VisibleDataSources = new string[] {"AdminData", "Employees", "Products", "Categories"};
Field access provides a way of limiting what a user sees in the application. You can use the FieldsRegex property to set a general filter on what fields users can select when building reports or you can use the PreExecuteReportSet()
method, demonstrated below.
Record Level Security Integration
Izenda Reports supports the unique feature of being able to hide report data on-the-fly on a per user basis. Consider this scenario: Bill, Mary, and John are all sales people. You want to generate the same report for each of them, but with different sales territory data. With Izenda Reports, simply generate one report, give each user a link to that report, and change the filter for each user to show the specific sales data.
In this example, the PreExecuteReportSet
method adds hidden filters to limit data on-the-fly.
public override void PreExecuteReportSet(Izenda.AdHoc.ReportSet reportSet) { Izenda.AdHoc.Filter f = new Izenda.AdHoc.Filter("TerritoryID"); f.Value = GetCurrentUserTerritory(); reportSet.Filters.AddHidden(f); }
Field value concealing allows you to return all data in a data set but hide the data with a string you provide. By using this method, you can modify the conditions in which the override occurs using any data that the global.asax has access to (for example tenant ID, user ID, parsed cookie/user data).
Insert the following code block inside the CustomAdhocConfig class in the global.asax after the InitializeReporting() function. In order to adjust what column to block out with "- -" and the conditions in which it happens, alter the "if" blocks within the public object Format() block.
In this example, any value of freight that is below 50 will be replaced with "--".
Note: This method will not cause filters for the concealed field to read the concealed value instead of the actual value. Therefore, if you set a filter on freight = 50, then despite the value being concealed, it will still show up in the result set.
public class ConcealingFormatter : IFormatter { public Type GetOutputDataType(System.Data.DataTable table, int columnNumber, ReportOutputOptions reportOutputOptions, Field field) { return typeof(string); } public object Format(System.Data.DataTable table, int rowNumber, int columnNumber, Field field, System.Data.DataTable originalTable, Field nameField) { object value = table.Rows[rowNumber][columnNumber]; float val; if (field.DbColumn.Name == "Freight" && value != null && value != DBNull.Value && float.TryParse(value.ToString().Trim(new char[] {'(', ')', '$'}), out val)) { //any kind of conditions can be checked here - username, field name, table name, column name, currentreportset properties, particular field value, etc if (val < 50) value = "--"; } return value; } } public override void PreExecuteReportSet(ReportSet reportSet) { reportSet.CustomFormatter = new ConcealingFormatter(); } public override void PostExecuteReportSet(ReportSet reportSet) { reportSet.CustomFormatter = null; }
Last edited by Joseph Adams, 2015-02-20 13:37:33