This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
Can I define my own grouping and aggregate functions in Izenda? If so, how?
Yes, you can use as many custom aggregate functions as you like. Within the AdHocSettings class exists a collection called AggregateFunctions that can be used to implement your own custom aggregate functions. For a detailed description of this item, click the above link. We will demonstrate other techniques of adding a custom function to this list below.
The SimpleAggregateFunction class in the AdHoc namespace has multiple overloads that allow for various implicitly named aggregate functions. The parameters are as follows:
And below is what the resulting function could look like.
AdHocSettings.AggregateFunctions["Group By Absolute Value"] = new SimpleAggregateFunction("ABS", "Group (Absolute Value)", new SqlTypeGroup[] { SqlTypeGroup.Numeric, SqlTypeGroup.Real }, true, true);
You may introduce your own custom class to contain your aggregate function. A custom class is useful for when you are using more complex expressions that require specific conditional formatting of the parameters. This class simply inherits the IAggregateFunction interface, overriding each of the interface's methods. See the example below for what this could look like.
NOTE: When you use SimpleAggregateFunction constructor you can't specify the function as a format string, you can only specify a function to call and then those string will be generated automatically as ().
So the correct way to specify such function would be this:
public class GroupByFiscalYearFunction : IAggregateFunction { public string GetSQL(string innerExpression, SqlType type) { //returns the portion of the GROUP BY clause just after the GROUP BY keyword and wraps around the respective field selected in the fields dropdown list. return string.Format("DATEPART(yyyy, DATEADD(mm, 3, {0}))", innerExpression); } private string caption; public string Caption { get { return caption; } } private Hashtable allowedTypeGroups = null; public Hashtable AllowedTypeGroups { get { return allowedTypeGroups; } } private Hashtable disallowedTypeGroups = null; public Hashtable DisallowedTypeGroups { get { return disallowedTypeGroups; } } private bool _isScalar; public bool IsScalar { get { return _isScalar; } set { _isScalar = value; } } private bool isGroup; public bool IsGroup { get { return isGroup; } } public bool CompatibilityWithFunction(bool isExtraFunction) { return true; } private SqlType outputType = SqlType.Unknown; public SqlType OutputType { get { return outputType; } set { outputType = value; } } private bool isExtraFunction = false; public bool IsExtraFunction { get { return isExtraFunction; } } public IFormatter[] Formatters { get { return new IFormatter[0]; } } public GroupByFiscalYearFunction() { this.caption = "Group (Fiscal Year)"; this.allowedTypeGroups = new Hashtable(2); this.allowedTypeGroups.Add(SqlTypeGroup.DateTime, true); this.allowedTypeGroups.Add(SqlTypeGroup.Date, true); this.isGroup = true; } }
Public Class GroupByFiscalYearFunction Implements IAggregateFunction Public Function GetSQL(ByVal innerExpression As String, ByVal type As SqlType) As String Implements IAggregateFunction.GetSQL 'returns the portion of the GROUP BY clause just after the GROUP BY keyword And wraps around the respective field selected in the fields dropdown list. Return String.Format("DATEPART(yyyy, DATEADD(mm, 3, {0}))", innerExpression) End Function Private _caption As String Public ReadOnly Property Caption As String Implements IAggregateFunction.Caption Get Return _caption End Get End Property Private _allowedTypeGroups As Hashtable = Nothing Public ReadOnly Property AllowedTypeGroups As Hashtable Implements IAggregateFunction.AllowedTypeGroups Get Return _allowedTypeGroups End Get End Property Private _disallowedTypeGroups As Hashtable = Nothing Public ReadOnly Property DisallowedTypeGroups As Hashtable Implements IAggregateFunction.DisallowedTypeGroups Get Return _disallowedTypeGroups End Get End Property Private _isScalar As Boolean Public Property IsScalar As Boolean Implements IAggregateFunction.IsScalar Get Return _isScalar End Get Set _isScalar = Value End Set End Property Private _isGroup As Boolean Public ReadOnly Property IsGroup As Boolean Implements IAggregateFunction.IsGroup Get Return _isGroup End Get End Property Public Function CompatibilityWithFunction(ByVal isExtraFunction As Boolean) As Boolean Implements IAggregateFunction.CompatibilityWithFunction Return True End Function Private _outputType As SqlType = SqlType.Unknown Public Property OutputType As SqlType Implements IAggregateFunction.OutputType Get Return _outputType End Get Set _outputType = Value End Set End Property Private _isExtraFunction As Boolean = False Public ReadOnly Property IsExtraFunction As Boolean Implements IAggregateFunction.IsExtraFunction Get Return _isExtraFunction End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Formatters() As IFormatter() Implements IAggregateFunction.Formatters Get Return New IFormatter() {} End Get End Property Public Sub New() Me._caption = "Group (Fiscal Year)" Me._allowedTypeGroups = New Hashtable(2) Me._allowedTypeGroups.Add(SqlTypeGroup.DateTime, True) Me._allowedTypeGroups.Add(SqlTypeGroup.Date, True) Me._isGroup = True End Sub End Class
Last edited by ericpfeifer-izenda, 2017-06-26 17:32:50