This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
How can I hide the report list button on the report viewer?
Prior to version 6.7 you could modify it via the code-behind by adding this code to your ReportViewer.aspx.cs:
HtmlOutputReportResults1.FindControl("ReportListButton").Visible = false;
For version 6.7 and later, you can directly hide this button in your HTML by locating the ReportViewer-Body.aspx page in the downloadable demo site and locate the following line:
<a class="btn" id="rlhref" href="ReportList.aspx" lang-title="js_Reportlist" title="Report list"> <img class="icon" src="rs.aspx?" lang-alt="js_Reportlist" alt="Report list" /> <span class="hide" lang-text="js_Reportlist">Report list</span> </a>
If you set "display:none;" in the style tag of the <a>
element, you can hide it for all users. You could also wrap the element in a <%= %>
` server tag and specify a condition for when to display this button and when not to.
Last edited by Joseph Adams, 2014-05-14 15:00:00