This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
What are ReportParts? How do I use them?
ReportParts are containers for the different sections of reports defined in your system. Using ReportParts allows users to easily create their own dashboards in HTML and ASP. For example, you could create your own aspx web page and insert Izenda ReportParts into it, creating a customized dashboard or webpage.
You can insert ReportParts into aspx webpages using a custom element on the page.
First, your aspx page will have to include a reference to Izenda.AdHoc
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc1" Namespace="Izenda.Web.UI" Assembly="Izenda.AdHoc" %>
Then you can add HTML like the following to use a ReportPart
<body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <cc1:ReportPart id=ReportPartID1 runat="server" Report="rep1" Part="Detail"/> <cc1:ReportPart id=ReportPart1 runat="server" Report="ord" Part="Chart"/> <cc1:ReportPart id=ReportPart2 runat="server" Report="tt33" Part="Gauges"/> </div> </form> </body>
The Report string should be the complete name of the report including the category. The part value can be equal to any of the following:
Filters can be added in the javascript example only for the report part. These are numbered based on position number in the report. This filter functionality is limited. At this time it will not support between date filter operators. Filters are added using the following format data-filter1="value" data-filter2="value" Multiple values can be entered using a comma separated list as data-filter1="value1,value2"
You can also insert ReportParts into a pure HTML page and display it using javascript
First, you will have to include a reference to the javascript file used to render the ReportPart.
<head runat="server"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head>
Then you can add HTML like the following to use a ReportPart.
<body> <div style="margin:5px; padding:10px; border: 1px solid gray; background-color: white;"> <h1>Sales Chart</h1> <div class="report-part" data-report="Sales" data-part="chart" data-filter1="Country"></div> <h1>Finance Chart</h1> <div class="report-part" data-report="Finance" data-part="chart"></div> <h1>Accounting Details</h1> <div class="report-part" data-report="Accounting" data-part="detail"></div> </div> </body>
The data-report tag references the complete name of the report and the data-part identifier should be one of the items listed above, but this is not case-sensitive in this context.
The result of the HTML example is shown below.
If you are trying to implement report parts on a page that exists in a separate virtual directory from Izenda's response server (rs.aspx), you will likely have trouble rendering those report parts, as the JavaScript files will not be retrieved. You must add a tag to your ASPX or HTML page to embed the necessary scripts:
<body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <cc1:ReportPart id=ReportPartID1 runat="server" Report="ord" Part="Chart" ResourcesInclusion="Embedded" CombineScripts="true" ResponseServerPath="../rs.aspx"/> </div> </form> </body>
Pure HTML:
<body> <div class="report-part" data-report="Sales" data-part="chart" data-embedscripts="true" data-responseserverpath="../rs.aspx"></div> </body>
Last edited by IzDawnRussell, 2016-12-13 12:26:54