This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at
Functions are added to Izenda through the extended functions API code. You can learn more about UDFs (User Defined Functions) here.
These functions are available in the 'Functions' drop-down. They can also be used in an expression by clicking the gear to the right side of the field.
The specific process to deploy functions depends how the data is stored in the DB, and what the use-case is.
Example 1: Data stored in Meters - Output needed in Meters, Kilometers and Miles.
If the data for a distance column was stored in meters lets say, and you wanted to display either meters, miles or kilometers. You would add custom Formats to display desired values to append (m, km, mi), and custom functions to do the conversion to Miles and Kilometers from meters.
To use Example 1 in tool once API work is done:
Example 2: Data stored in KpG (Kilometers/Gallon) - Output needed in both 'KpG' and 'MpG' (Miles/Gallon).
Last edited by Joseph Adams, 2014-04-23 14:55:59