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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/


In the Gauge tab, you can add a panel of gauges to a report.

There are five different types of gauges you can create:

Type Description Image
Radial This gauge displays a static needle that goes from 90° (straight up) to 0° (pointing right). Radial Gauge
Radial 2 This gauge is much like the radial gauge but has a different graphical appearance. Radial Gauge 2
Animated Half Circle This gauge starts from 180° (pointing left) and animates to 0° (pointing right). Animated Half Circle
Animated Half Circle with KPIs This gauge can be used to display data that has a "target zone" and looks like the animated half circle gauge. Animated Half Circle with KPIs
Linear This gauge is a simple bar that fills from left to right. Linear

The gauges also have a number of options that can be selected. They are described below:

Feature Appearance Description
Title []() Sets a title for the Gauge section of the report.
Results []() Sets how many gauges should be displayed (one gauge per grouped result).
Name []() The name of the field to use as the Gauge's grouping field.
Value []() The name of the field to use as the Gauge's data points. This must be numeric.
Sort []() The name of the field to sort the data by. To sort alphabetically, use Maximum or Minimum.
Minimum []() Sets the lower bound for the gauge's display values.
Maximum []() Sets the upper bound for the gauge's display values.
Color []() Allows you to set specific colors or color ranges for the gauge's value bar. Note: Applies only to the Radial, Radial2, and Linear gauge styles. Gauges with fixed color schemes such as Animated Half Circle cannot have conditional coloring, and the color value entry box will be disabled if this or some other incompatible style is chosen.
Gauge Style []() Allows you to choose which type of gauge you want to display.
KPI Low []() Only available by selecting "Animated Half Circle". If set, this will set a lower bound for a "target zone" within the gauge.
KPI High []() Like KPI Low, but this will set the value for the upper bound on the "target zone" within the gauage.
Update []() Allows you to set the update frequency for the gauges. This is good for tracking dynamic data that is updated frequently.
Red Values []() Specifies which side of the target zone should be denoted with red. Good for indicating whether small or large values cause concern. This has three values.
Hide:This is the default. Neither large nor small zones will be considered hazard zones.
Low: Low values (Anything to the left of your target zone) will be considered hazard values and will get a red stripe.
High: High values (Anything to the right of your target zone) will be considered hazard values and will get a red stripe.
Target Report []() Allows you to specify a sub-report to be used with the drilldown key of the Name field. The target report will appear upon hovering your mouse over the gauge.

8.1 Create First Four Gauges Alphabetically Counting Orders by Country

The Report below is showing the first 4 gauges based on the alphabetical order of the selected countries.

The gauge tab

Gauge tab contents

Sample Gauge

8.2 Creating the Top 4 Orders by Country Gauges

In the following example, you will see the gauges of the four countries with the greatest number of orders.

You can add four different types of gauges

Gauge Tab 2

Gauge Tab 2 Result

8.3 Changing Color Ranges

To change color ranges for the gauge, enter in a percentage range for each color, or enter a range of specific values.

Gauge Color Range

Color Range Result


Gauge Color Range 2

Color Range Result 2


Gauage Color Range 3

Color Range Result 3

8.3.1 KPI’s and auto-updating data with Animated Gauges

The Animated Half Circle opens up a few more options under the Gauge Style row. With these new options, you can select the KPI Low and High, and select whether the Red values will be hidden, on the low side, or on the high side. You can also select how update the date updates.

Gauge Sample 3

Gauge Result 3

8.4 Gauges with Drill-Down Effects

You can add a drill-down report to a gauge like you can with a regular report using the Target Report field described above. Below is an example of the Hover option for the sub-report. You can also select Link or Popup for the effect.

Gauge Drill down