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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/

  • All timeouts are in number of seconds. ** All implementations should be added to the Global.asax file.

Equals Drop Down

This setting allows the user to increase the database query time for building the drop down selection options at the Filters tab in the Report Designer. If you have a large or unoptimized database increasing this setting can help with proper reporting performance.

AdHocSettings.EqualsDropDownTimeout = 1000;

Equals Select

This setting allows the user to increase the database query time for building the drop down selection options at the Filters tab in the Report Designer. If you have a large or unoptimized database increasing this setting can help with proper reporting performance. This setting is deprecated.

AdHocSettings.EqualsSelectTimeout = 1000

Oracle Command

Sets the time Izenda Reports will wait for an Oracle command to execute before timing out. This setting is deprecated.

AdHocSettings.OracleCommandTimeout = 5000;

Preview Timeout

Sets the minumum time Izenda Reports will wait for a MS SQL command to execute before timing out.

AdHocSettings.PreviewTimeout = 500;

Schema Cache

Gets or sets the time span for schema caching.

Izenda.AdHoc.AdHocSettings.SchemaCacheTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5, 0);

SQL Command

Gets or sets the wait time in seconds for database command dropdown values loading.

AdHocSettings.SqlCommandTimeout = 1000;

Data Source Drop Down

Gets or sets the timeout between starting loading dropdown values (in the DataSources dropdown at the Data Sources tab in the ReportDesigner) from server and redirecting to About page. This setting is deprecated.

AdHocSettings.DataSourceDropDownTimeout = 10;


Gets or sets a timeout that overrides all other timeouts.

AdHocSettings.UltimateDbCommandTimeout = 10;