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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/


The ProcessEqualsSelectList() Method

This code sample overrides the equals select drop-down used in the "Filter" tab and in the Report Viewer.

Here is sample code that you can add to your global.asax file:

public override string[] ProcessEqualsSelectList(Izenda.AdHoc.Database.Column column)
    //look for a particular column name
    if (column.Name == "VendorName")
        ArrayList filteredValues = new ArrayList();
        filteredValues.Add("Vendor 1");
        filteredValues.Add("Vendor 2");
        //return custom list of values instead of full list
        return (string[])filteredValues.ToArray(typeof(string));
   // return base if custom array is not created
   return base.ProcessEqualsSelectList(column);