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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/


The PreExecuteReportSet method is used to modify the report before it is sent to the Report Viewer or Report Preview for viewing. Overriding this method can add granular control of fields, filters, and other properties of the report before the person designing/viewing the report will see it. This method should be overridden inside your CustomAdHocConfig class within your global.asax page.

C♯ Boilerplate

public class CustomAdHocConfig : DatabaseAdHocConfig
        public static void InitializeReporting() 
                AdHocSettings.LicenseKey = "INSERT_YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE";
                AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = "INSERT_YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE";
                AdHocSettings.AdHocConfig = new CustomAdHocConfig();
	public override void ConfigureSettings()
		//Per-user settings go here
        public override string[] ProcessEqualsSelectList(Izenda.AdHoc.Database.Column column) 
                //put your own custom code inside this method

VB.NET Boilerplate

Public Class CustomAdHocConfig 
                        Inherits DatabaseAdHocConfig
        Public Shared Sub InitializeReporting() 
                AdHocSettings.LicenseKey = "INSERT_YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE"
                AdHocSettings.SqlServerConnectionString = "INSERT_YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE"
                AdHocSettings.AdHocConfig = New CustomAdHocConfig()
        End Sub
	public override void ConfigureSettings()
		'Per-user settings go here
	End Sub
        Public Overrides Function ProcessEqualsSelectList(ByVal column As Izenda.AdHoc.Database.Column) As String()
                'put your own custom code inside this method
        End Function


Here are a couple examples of using the ProcessEqualsSelectList method.