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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/

Welcome to the wiki for Izenda - the real-time data analysis tool that provides self-service BI to organizations.

This wiki serves as the main source of documentation for development teams working with Izenda, but also includes resources for end-users around report creation. If you are unfamiliar with Izenda, we recommend starting with the Izenda website.

Izenda Overview | Install/
Maintenance <!-- | Best Practices --> :--:|:---: <!-- |:---: --> []| <!-- |[] --> Introduction to the Izenda product|Instructions on installing and updating Izenda <!-- |Recommended strategies from the Izenda team -->

Customization Code Reference FAQ
Altering Izenda to meet your company's needs Technical documentation on Izenda's features, methods, and variables Frequently asked questions from developers and end users