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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/


How can I add a new time period to the list of time period filter options?


You can use our CustomTimePeriods setting to dynamically add time periods with a StartDate and a TimePeriod.

Here is an example of how to add custom time spans to the filters. Apply this code within InitializeReporting() in your Global.asax.

Example: Lunar Cycle

//the if block prevents the key from being re-added to the list
if (!AdHocSettings.CustomTimePeriods.ContainsKey("Lunar Cycle")) { 
    AdHocSettings.CustomTimePeriods.Add("Lunar Cycle", new CustomTimePeriod("Lunar Cycle", new TimeSpan(29, 12, 44, 2, 976))); 

Since we didn't specify a StartDate, Izenda will assume the server's current date and time as the StartDate of the time period. If we run a report with an in time period filter on OrderDate that used lunar cycle as its time period on March 4, 2015 at 3:46:58 PM, the query results of this would look similar to the below SQL:

SELECT TOP 100000  
DATEPART(year, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate]) AS 'Label', SUM([dbo].[Invoices].[Freight]) AS 'Value', DATEPART(month, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate]) AS 'Separator'
FROM [dbo].[Invoices] WITH(NOLOCK) 
WHERE  ([dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate] BETWEEN '2015-03-04T15:46:58.541' AND '2015-04-03T04:31:01.517') 
GROUP BY DATEPART(year, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate]), DATEPART(month, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate])
ORDER BY DATEPART(year, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate]) ASC;

Example: Today

We can also specify the start date. So if we wanted to get the results from just today and today is March 4, 2015, then we could craft a TimePeriod to do that.

    CustomTimePeriod today = new CustomTimePeriod("Today", new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59, 999), DateTime.Now.Date);
    AdHocSettings.CustomTimePeriods.Add("Today", today);

In this example, we specified the StartDate as today's date without any of the time information, which defaults to 0:00:00 (midnight). So if we query the results of the same report now, we would get:

SELECT TOP 100000  
DATEPART(year, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate]) AS 'Label', SUM([dbo].[Invoices].[Freight]) AS 'Value', DATEPART(month, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate]) AS 'Separator'
FROM [dbo].[Invoices] WITH(NOLOCK) 
WHERE  ([dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate] BETWEEN '2015-03-04T00:00:00.000' AND '2015-03-04T23:59:59.999') 
GROUP BY DATEPART(year, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate]), DATEPART(month, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate])
ORDER BY DATEPART(year, [dbo].[Invoices].[OrderDate]) ASC;

Modifying An Existing Time Period

You may at any time modify your existing set of custom time periods. You cannot, however, modify built-in time periods this way.

    CustomTimePeriod ctp = AdHocSettings.CustomTimePeriods["Lunar Cycle"];
    ctp.StartDate = DateTime.Now + ctp.Period; //passed by reference so the original list will update