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This documentation is for the legacy Izenda 6 product. Documentation for the new Izenda 7 product can be found at https://www.izenda.com/docs/


When using DatabaseAdHocConfig, Izenda reports saves report definitions to the database. By default, this is the table name that Izenda uses. You can use SavedReportsTable to specify a different table name. Izenda will create the table for you, but in the event that something fails, here is the SQL script that will generate the table.

MSSQL Table Script

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IzendaAdHocReports] (
    [Name]                 NVARCHAR (255)  NULL,
    [Xml]                  NTEXT           NULL,
    [CreatedDate]          DATETIME        NULL,
    [ModifiedDate]         DATETIME        NULL,
    [TenantID]             NVARCHAR (255)  NULL,
    [IzendaAdHocReportsID] INT             NULL,
    [ReportSourceID]       INT             NULL,
    [Thumbnail]            VARBINARY (MAX) NULL

Oracle Table Script

    CREATE TABLE IzendaAdHocReports
    ( Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
      Xml NCLOB,
      CreatedDate DATE,
      ModifiedDate DATE,
      TenantID VARCHAR(255),
      IzendaAdHocReportsID INTEGER,
      ReportSourceID INTEGER,
      Thumbnail BLOB

PostgreSQL Table Script

CREATE TABLE IzendaAdHocReports (
	"Name" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
	"Xml" text,
	"CreatedDate" date,
	"ModifiedDate" date,
	"TenantID" varchar(255),
	"IzendaAdHocReportsID" integer,
	"ReportSourceID" integer,
	"Thumbnail" blob,

Izenda FORMS plugin

The Izenda FORMS plugin uses a unique process to generate the pixel-perfect forms that the report viewers see. To do this, it needs a special column in the database. Here is the table script with the new column added.

MSSQL table script

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IzendaAdHocReports] (
    [Name]                 NVARCHAR (255)  NULL,
    [Xml]                  NTEXT           NULL,
    [CreatedDate]          DATETIME        NULL,
    [ModifiedDate]         DATETIME        NULL,
    [TenantID]             NVARCHAR (255)  NULL,
    [IzendaAdHocReportsID] INT             NULL,
    [Form]                 NVARCHAR (MAX)  NULL,
    [ReportSourceID]       INT             NULL,
    [Thumbnail]            VARBINARY (MAX) NULL

Oracle SQL table script

    CREATE TABLE IzendaAdHocReports
    ( Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
      Xml NCLOB,
      CreatedDate DATE,
      ModifiedDate DATE,
      TenantID VARCHAR(255),
      IzendaAdHocReportsID INTEGER,
      Form NCLOB,
      ReportSourceID INTEGER,
      Thumbnail BLOB

PostgreSQL Table Script

CREATE TABLE IzendaAdHocReports (
	"Name" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
	"Xml" text,
	"CreatedDate" date,
	"ModifiedDate" date,
	"TenantID" varchar(255),
	"IzendaAdHocReportsID" integer,
	"ReportSourceID" integer,
	"Thumbnail" blob,

MSSQL Alter table script

And here is an SQL statement to add the field to an existing table.

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IzendaAdHocReports]

Oracle Alter table script

Here is the Oracle equivalent of the above alter table script

ALTER TABLE IzendaAdHocReports 

PostgreSQL Alter table script

Here is the PostgreSQL equivalent of the above alter table script

ALTER TABLE IzendaAdHocReports 
ADD Form text;